Feeling at my wits end with Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia

Posted by Jen, Alumna Mentor @sandytoes14, Aug 19, 2019

Usually I am not one to share much of my personal story but here goes...I have what is called moderate to severe degenerative disc disease, arthritis of the spine C3-C7 and lumbar spine, and Fibromyalgia. In the 20 years Ive had pain, I"ve been though many treatments including PT, tens unit, bio feedback,injections, nerve ablations, you name it. I'm prescribed Cymbalta 60 mg for Fibro and anxiety as well as 225 mg of Lyrica. I have been on and off various painkillers too. I'm currently on a long acting oxycodone of 13.5 mg and once a day one 15 mg of IR oxycodone. This has been my regime for a few months now as I switched from 15 mg IR oxycodone. Now for those who are worried about me ODing...I understand. I actually hype-vigilant about my meds. (And I have my hubby and son who watch) Years ago I was on 15 mg Fentanyl patch for 10 months and came off it in one month with no side effects.
Right now I'm really struggling with this rotten pain. I have no appetite, either can't sleep or nap during the day.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Fibromyalgia Support Group.

I am so sorry to hear about your challenges. Why is life like this? and what did you do to deserve this? No good answers to be found.

I became permanently disabled in 2006, when a doctor ran a needle into my spinal cord. That really messes you up. Nerve pain can be cruel, but you know that. That injury has caused another syndrome to developed. Basically, my sensory nerves are malfunctioning. Wow.

At one time I was taking 300 mg of morphine and 100 mcg of fentanly. I came off all the drugs at the PRC. in Rochester in 2010. I got my life back. Now, Iowa has a medical marajuana program and that's what I use to manage pain and nausha. Just had hernia surgery and got by with only advil.

I wish all of you who deal with such challenges find some small level of relief. That gives us hope, and where there is hope in tomorrow, we push on. God bless your journey.


I am so sorry to hear about your challenges. Why is life like this? and what did you do to deserve this? No good answers to be found.

I became permanently disabled in 2006, when a doctor ran a needle into my spinal cord. That really messes you up. Nerve pain can be cruel, but you know that. That injury has caused another syndrome to developed. Basically, my sensory nerves are malfunctioning. Wow.

At one time I was taking 300 mg of morphine and 100 mcg of fentanly. I came off all the drugs at the PRC. in Rochester in 2010. I got my life back. Now, Iowa has a medical marajuana program and that's what I use to manage pain and nausha. Just had hernia surgery and got by with only advil.

I wish all of you who deal with such challenges find some small level of relief. That gives us hope, and where there is hope in tomorrow, we push on. God bless your journey.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I’ve had Fibromyalgia since 2005 and now I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Type 2 with nerve damage and terrible pain. Today I had my second Stellate Ganglion Block to help with the nerve pain and quality of life.


My dr just prescribed volterine which is also OTC. Works wonders! Highly recommend. Good luck


I hear you I suffer from the same chronic pain, and it's starting to affect my family's life. They have had me on oxycodone for over 6 years now and it is not working for me anymore. I take more than I'm supposed to and run out due to my tolerance drug. I don't know what to do. My pain is Alway's at a 9 or 10 sometimes I wish I wasn't here because of the weight I put on my family.


I know how you feel and what you are going thru. I have Stage 4 lung cancer that became metastatic bone cancer on my left scapula. I’ve been on Oxy for 1-1/2 years and it doesn’t seem to work. My pain is a 9 - 10 almost always. I had a nerve Ablasion procedure 2 weeks ago and so far it hasn’t helped. I understand how you feel that you are a burden to your family but that is not true. They love you and will keep on fighting for as long as it takes. Also, you should never express not being around anymore verbally to your family. It makes the stress a lot worse. My prayers go out to you today. Hang in there and keep fighting.


From my knowledge and what I learned at the pain rehab center it's the same treatment plan. Fibromyalgia is actually a form of central sensitization . It's the same concept of hypersensitivity. Treatment plans exist of exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, occupational therapy ,Stress Management, healthy diet, sleep hygiene , mindfulness and meditation, balancing rest with activity to avoid push crash. The PRC advocates for as little medicine as possible especially the addictive kind and treat chronic conditions from more of a holistic point of view where the patient is an active participant in their care hence shifting from placing responsibility on Doctor's medicine procedures treatments that just end up not working or becoming less effective. Some medications do help like nerve medications but the recommendation is to use as minimal as possible. I hope this helps I apologize for punctuation mishaps, I am voice texting as it's easier for me in the moment.

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Hello to all of the fello pain suffers out there living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chiari Malformation, Neuropathy and other Pain Sensitivity Disorders etc. I’ve dealt with and managed very severe pain for over 30 years from the above disease states. I’ve successfully managed opioids during that period of time and had too because they’ve been the only effective medications I’ve found to provide any kind of measurable relief and efficaciousness from. Living with debilitating pain is challenging enough. Trying to find physicians to work with you on this is even more difficult and challenging. The bottom line for all of us is to find whatever medication(s), treatment protocols or therapies etc that actually provide any successful
reduction in pain or qualify as efficacious. Unfortunately, the “war on drugs” that morphed into the “war on opioids” has been severely mismanaged and overflowing with too much disinformation, misunderstandings and ineffective management to effectively serve the patients who desperately need opioids to exist day to day and the doctors they rely upon to prescribe what’s proven to work and be most effective for them. Firstly and most importantly, counting the deaths that occur from people taking poisonous FENTANYL in the same category and statistics as legally prescribed opioids like OXYCODONE is both horribly misleading and bogus information that only complicates the situation and does not serve anybody’s best interests and has created extremely adverse effects on the legitimate pain patients who require them to survive day to day. It also unnecessarily threatens the licensing and well-being of legitimate physicians trying to assist and treat their patients with the only things available that provides the only meaningful and measurable amount of effective pain management available. There’s a very good reason why patients use “OPIOIDS,” they work when everything else does not!
There’s no factual evidence that supports the notion that legitimate long term opioid users eventually turn into people who overdose and die from their legally prescribed opioids. I’ve used them safely for 32 years along with other, stronger medications without any problems what so ever. Except when they’ve been difficult to get because one of my prescribing physicians has moved, retired, passed away or become disabled and is no longer able to practice. This is really a problem that was “invented” by various drug agencies in America and used as a deeply flawed and failed attempt to address all of the overdoses resulting from illegally purchased opioids and drugs which physicians rarely, if ever prescribe. They have been procured by illegal means and or sold on the street combined with Heroin, Fentanyl and other very dangerous narcotics which contain poison
and then taken by unsuspecting people seeking drugs.
Leave the legitimate Pain Patients and their responsible physicians alone and go after the people who are causing all of the real problems and killing the people in our society!!!!


I am so sorry to hear about your challenges. Why is life like this? and what did you do to deserve this? No good answers to be found.

I became permanently disabled in 2006, when a doctor ran a needle into my spinal cord. That really messes you up. Nerve pain can be cruel, but you know that. That injury has caused another syndrome to developed. Basically, my sensory nerves are malfunctioning. Wow.

At one time I was taking 300 mg of morphine and 100 mcg of fentanly. I came off all the drugs at the PRC. in Rochester in 2010. I got my life back. Now, Iowa has a medical marajuana program and that's what I use to manage pain and nausha. Just had hernia surgery and got by with only advil.

I wish all of you who deal with such challenges find some small level of relief. That gives us hope, and where there is hope in tomorrow, we push on. God bless your journey.

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I am going to a pain clinic to sign up for MN's medical marijuana program. Can you provide more detail on what MM helps you with pain? I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.


Thank you for sharing your story. I’ve had Fibromyalgia since 2005 and now I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Type 2 with nerve damage and terrible pain. Today I had my second Stellate Ganglion Block to help with the nerve pain and quality of life.

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Has anything helped manage your fibromyalgia pain?


My dr just prescribed volterine which is also OTC. Works wonders! Highly recommend. Good luck

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Are you using the voltaren for muscle pain?


I am going to a pain clinic to sign up for MN's medical marijuana program. Can you provide more detail on what MM helps you with pain? I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

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MM only worked on pain for me if I took a large dose. I couldn't function on the dose. I think a trial is warranted because everyone is different.

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