Feedback on Linzess for Irritable Bowel-C or Chronic Constipation

Posted by sue225 @sue225, Mar 9, 2019

I have both of the above-conditions. Took Linzess, (called Constella in Canada) and got terrible stomach pain. Feeling desperate and thinking about trying it one more time. Interested in hearing what kind of experiences other people have had with linaclotide/linzess.

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My story , I’ve had 60 years of constipation, I’m 73 now and finally I think 🤔 I’m on top of it…
One daily sachet of cosmocol, that simply draws water into my long and torturous colon, so you can have 2 or 3 daily if required?
Plus a spoonful of inulin on cereals or whatever , which is simply chicory root fibre …Magic.
It’s like Xmas every day !!! I didn’t know what normal poops were really like till now.
Probably will cease up once every now and then which I can deal with suppository..
Also I have changed to a gluten free diet which I believe helps .
When you consider how long gluten stays in your colon !,,, glueing everything together ?
60 hours in a normal colon , probably twice as long in my longer colon 🤷‍♀️
It’s a win win ..
Hope this helps someone 😘

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I need to be on a low fiber diet. The brand you mentioned states high fiber. Do you think that would be a problem or should I try a different brand?


I don’t really understand that ?
The general ,consensus for constipation is more fibre is required. The higher the better ?


Any help in understanding the causes of excessive involuntary flatulence?


I took Linzess a year and was very reliant on it but you have to near a toilet for hours after taking it. I am trying to figure out what to do myself at the moment.
After going off of it somewhat by accident I am realizing it was making my blood pressure high. So you might want to monitor that too.
Good luck


I took Linzess a year and was very reliant on it but you have to near a toilet for hours after taking it. I am trying to figure out what to do myself at the moment.
After going off of it somewhat by accident I am realizing it was making my blood pressure high. So you might want to monitor that too.
Good luck

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I took Linzess but different doses didn't work. I have IBS C so it would be either diarrhea or constipation. I switched to Amitiza abd take it twice a day. Still on it. Better than dependence on laxatives. Stool softener is a must. I take 100mg am and 100 mg in pm.


I am taking Linzess 250 at 7 AM. After each meal I take one capful of Miralax in fluid. One month now, bowel movements more than once a day.


Linzess did not work for me at all I tried it twice. I have a history of IBS-C since high school I am now 70. Marla’s and a better diet helped for a long time but also quit working well for me. I have now went gluten free( I am sensitive, not celiac). And incorporate senna daily, kombucha , kefir and fermented vegetables for probiotics. what form of magnesium is best. Mg citrate? And dose please?
Any other help is appreciated. It’s a long struggle. JC

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Daily RDA for Magnesium in men is 420 mg. I don’t have any kidney or liver issues and I have absorption issues so I take Magnesium Citrate 120 mg capsule at 11 am and at 8 pm I take another 120 mg Mag Citrate cap but also Intake Magnesium Citrate Powder of 240 mg. I should do it all in powder because it works Best but it is hard to mix and you have to flavor the water you mix it in. I also mix into my 20 oz glass of water a dose of miralax with the Mg Powder. If I don’t do all this the Linzess will not work. The Mg and the miralax pull the water into my colon then strictly every am at 5 along with three tall glasses of water I take the Linzess which increases the peristalsis( the movement). I also have to add some salt. I don’t have motility in my colon for various reasons so I need a lot of help. If you aren’t extremely constipated like me you can get very dehydrated since the Mg and the miralax pull the water from your body into your intestines. I have to drink fluids all day and use rehydration electrolyte powder a couple times a day. All said at any age I wouldn’t use Mg or Miralax or Linzess without adding a sports drink. Of course you need to be under the care of a Dr. But!, check with your Gastroenterologist and make sure your kidneys and live functions are good. Severe Low sodium or low or high potassium can put you in the hospital. I also have my electrolytes monitored bus lab work more than the average person. A lot off people say they have constipation but they just need to drink more water, be more active and eat better. People like me who do all that and still poop like a rabbit or have been or almost been obstructed know what I mean. I’m almost 64 but you are 70 so you have to be really careful with Magnesium. If you take prescription meds you have to time them to where the Mag is taken 4 hours before it or 4 hours later. It will inhibit their absorption. That is critical! All this is so much work but it works. Sometimes I just feel I’d be better off getting my colon removed but then I’d have more absorption problems and thus nutritional deficits. I find pretty much all GI Drs want to put people like me in a box . We can have constipation for many reasons, mine are scar tissue on colon, hypothyroidism and IBS-C. The IBS-C is the label a Dr gives everyone and they treat the symptoms, not the root cause.

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