Falling asleep eating breakfast, lunch and dinner

Posted by rrradar @rrradar, May 1, 2023

I have a 75 year old male friend who falls asleep a few minutes after eating his breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Every. single. time. He’ll sleep for hours so he’s sleeping most of the time. What’s wrong???

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So sorry that you are still tired. I know tired too, on and off with some GI autoimmune disease.
If your ANA is high you probably have some autoimmune illness that has not shown itself.
Mono also weakens your immune system and sometimes appears with other illnesses, including autoimmune.
Maybe a consultation with a Rheumatologist? Fatigue apparently is a very common symptom with autoimmune illnesses.

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Thank you. Yes, I'll see my Rheumatologist for the 2nd time in July. More blood tests I imagine.
Yes, I also have high sensitivity to Gluten, Dairy, High Fiber, High Fat & ~6 months ago started Creon for EPI (pancreatic insufficiency) after years of uncontrolled diarrhea.
Multiple Autoimmune problems runs in my family. Thank you for your support.


I am 76 years old and was diagnosed with mononucleosis in October
'22 after my complaints of being tired of being tired. It took me 3+ months to feel halfway decent after diagnosis. Even now I still tire quickly and can fall asleep quite easily at anytime of day or night, and I'm finding it difficult to find my words when speaking. My PCP referred me to a sleep study saying it's common to have difficulty with word memory if the quality of sleep isn't as it should be. The study has not yet been scheduled.
My ANA is high but my Rheumatologist has ruled out Lupus, RA, Thyroid problems. I just want to know the source of this constant fatigue so I can address it and return to my life. I've been an active person all my life and have never previously had a lingering health issue.
Tired of being Tired.

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Check out the undifferentiated connective tissue disease posts- it sounds like you may fall into that category.


I did not have Mono only sleep apnea. I have been on the Cpap for about 15 years. Only the Sleep Apnea. I have since developed Trigeminal Neuralgia and take Pregabalin 50 mg and this makes me extremely tired and sleepy. I actually look forward to the Cpap at night. I am 92 and wth this machine and the Pregabalin I sleep at least 8 hours at night, and a 2 or 3 hour "Nap" in the afternoon. I have to admidt I had an aortic Valve Replacement about 2 years ago and this probably does not help the tiredness. Since I have been diagnoed with the TN I have also been diagnosed with MCUS although I am at the place I only have to see the doctor once every six months just to keep track of it. Let's face it, I will probably out live it. Truly, I am probably a walking Robot and with the new improvements that are on the board for AI, they may one day just give me a new Robot Body and I can go another 100 years. Life is good, and I am doing my best to enjoy it

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