Facing Cancer Recurrence, PTSD & Acknowledging Mental Health

Posted by Merry, Alumni Mentor @merpreb, Dec 6, 2018

It's extremely difficult to face the fact of recurring cancers. After treatments we try and get away from it all and live our life. Then along comes another CT scan or PET scan and POW, you have to face another cancer. My reaction was developing PTSD.

You can read what I wrote in my blog: https://my20yearscancer.com/blog/
How do we cope? How do we react? What do we do?
How have you all reacted to another cancer? Or the possibility of another one? Has your "already compromised" mental health been able to deal with it? How? Or not?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Cancer: Managing Symptoms Support Group.

Oh dear @sakota. I guess that you will need to really have a sit down with your doctor. Has he come close to even guessing at what this might be?


@sakota- Joan, have you called your doctor's office?

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Merry. I got the results today and everything was ok so what and where do i go from here. I did post a message in anxiety and depression.


this is a question that doesn't pertain to lung cancer , just in case someone has an answer...…. does anyone know how long it takes to get results back after a 72 hour eeg? Mine should be pretty easy to read, nothing in my brain anymore,,,,,,,,, lol?

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JOan-I just checked and it's 48 hours


@sakota- I don't know if you would be comfortable with calling everyday but that's what I would do. Did you find out how long it takes for the results?


@sakota- Joan, have you called your doctor's office?

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Yes I did they didn’t give me anything definite. Still haven’t heard a thing. Merry


this is a question that doesn't pertain to lung cancer , just in case someone has an answer...…. does anyone know how long it takes to get results back after a 72 hour eeg? Mine should be pretty easy to read, nothing in my brain anymore,,,,,,,,, lol?

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@sakota- Joan, have you called your doctor's office?


Nothing must be taken for granted. My life after a cancer diagnosis is teaching me this. I don’t intend to waste any time. I am not care free anymore. I have less patience and I tend to resent people I find “petty”. At work two co workers were talking one was complaining about her life she had a wedding to go to and was having wardrobe issues. I wanted to say, “You think you have problems, well I have scans coming up and I don’t know whether or not I will need to deal with cancer!” But they don’t know I have a cancer diagnosis and I was once care free. I need to deal with my own negativity. It isn’t anyone’s fault I got a cancer. I need to deal with it but I am not alone. Some days I feel less positive but I am working on being happy and grateful for what I have. I have my family, I have a good support system, and I am not alone! Also I am cancer free right now. I am grateful for that!

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If I can just stay in today! You nailed how I hear trivial complaints. I am instantly transported to my diagnosis day. I know that my mind was thing about funeral homes and my Mouth was only able to speak of hair loss. A new UnNormal filter between what I think and what I can say. Today is a Cancer Free Day full of Beautiful possibilities! Thank you for reminding me of that! ❤️


this is a question that doesn't pertain to lung cancer , just in case someone has an answer...…. does anyone know how long it takes to get results back after a 72 hour eeg? Mine should be pretty easy to read, nothing in my brain anymore,,,,,,,,, lol?


I could use some help here. I can not sleep more than four hours any more. I awaken and cannot get back to sleep again. Currently tale low dose xanax but only as needed to get back to sleep. I want no dependencies.

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I don't know if this works for others..... but before I would wake up at every little sound and then lay there wondering if someone was in the house or what the heck was going on so would end up losing hours of sleep. Since I have an echo I decided to put on some meditation music at nite when I go to bed and now I sleep thru, don't hear those noises, don't lay away thinking but sleep very soundly. It helps me to relax. Not saying its a cure but it helps me...…..Best wishes to you Padovani


This is not selfish! Everyone has to live with this in their own way. I talk a lot about different health things many of which I don’t have and my husband does not have. Mostly because I like to study the nuts and bolts of disease. Also because I like to be able to understand how it affects people. I try to be respectful of what people dont want to talk about. I have been going for years here and I still am lousy at small talk. Weather is just weather and we all watch the news. I love a real conversation and I love silliness. I don’t want “oh, poor you” and I don’t want people to do things for me. I want to try to figure it out on my own first.
I, for one, am glad you came to connect! Welcome to the journey, sometimes I think we are pretty darn lucky. We don’t take our days for granted.

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Nothing must be taken for granted. My life after a cancer diagnosis is teaching me this. I don’t intend to waste any time. I am not care free anymore. I have less patience and I tend to resent people I find “petty”. At work two co workers were talking one was complaining about her life she had a wedding to go to and was having wardrobe issues. I wanted to say, “You think you have problems, well I have scans coming up and I don’t know whether or not I will need to deal with cancer!” But they don’t know I have a cancer diagnosis and I was once care free. I need to deal with my own negativity. It isn’t anyone’s fault I got a cancer. I need to deal with it but I am not alone. Some days I feel less positive but I am working on being happy and grateful for what I have. I have my family, I have a good support system, and I am not alone! Also I am cancer free right now. I am grateful for that!

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