Extreme bowel pain and constipation as a Long covid effect

Posted by meike @meike, Nov 26, 2024

Has anyone also to deal with a long covid symtom such as bowel pains and massiv constipation? And what could help?
I heard about the blocking or infection of the vagus nerv system as a reason- but how to find the right treatment is really difficult…

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I've dealt with this for about a year, combined with being unable to urinate and having muscle spasms after eating. PCP gave me Magnesium Oxide, which I take two per day, morning and evening. He said I could take four, if needed. Mirilax stirred into water--I needed at least a tall glass in the morning to get things started. It is not grainy nor does it have a taste. Add an apple to your daily diet. So on to PT. Working on core exercises, as well as several that involve twisting in a seated position, sit to stands with stomach held in, clamshells, yoga cat/cow/child/cobra. But the big thing was that I was not eating enough to push through and it was getting stuck, as well as needing to drink more. And, the best help was getting a stool to keep knees higher than the seat and the Moo and Ahh movement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDk93cvZAuk


I've dealt with this for about a year, combined with being unable to urinate and having muscle spasms after eating. PCP gave me Magnesium Oxide, which I take two per day, morning and evening. He said I could take four, if needed. Mirilax stirred into water--I needed at least a tall glass in the morning to get things started. It is not grainy nor does it have a taste. Add an apple to your daily diet. So on to PT. Working on core exercises, as well as several that involve twisting in a seated position, sit to stands with stomach held in, clamshells, yoga cat/cow/child/cobra. But the big thing was that I was not eating enough to push through and it was getting stuck, as well as needing to drink more. And, the best help was getting a stool to keep knees higher than the seat and the Moo and Ahh movement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDk93cvZAuk

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Thanks, for all your Information!


Yes, I’ve been experiencing horrible constipation and other GI and brain issues post Covid. I had Covid in March of 2020 and the problems started after that. I have to take two supplements every evening or I can’t go at all. I am looking into doing certain types of Qigong movement and vagus nerve classes. The cognitive issues are bad too but worsened recently when I had a concussion. I’m not sure if we’re allowed are allowed to mention meds or supplements here or not. I’m too confused from the concussion to try to find out. So here goes.. I take over the counter Smooth Move pills (not the tea). At first the normal dose worked but later I had to increase the dose. When that seemed to become less effective but still worked I added in Motility Wellness by Dr. Stengler. I buy it on his website. I also consulted with a naturopathic doctor who is local to me and did a lot of my own research on foods to eat and foods to avoid. Konjac works well. It’s the main ingredient in noodles by Miracle Noodle. Asparagus helps me go. Using olive oil on my food helps a bit. Avoid dry, hard foods and eat softer, wetter foods. Notice what foods make it worse and avoid them as much as possible. I hope this helps, Be well, Hope


I am horribly constipated as well. I had covid in 2023 just before Christmas. I have also coughed ever since. As far as my bladder? I had sparc mesh back in 2022 for bladder incontinence. It did not work and now I have to wear a pad. Urge incontinence big time. I cannot blame covid as I have been that way for years. Will the after effects of that blasted virus ever leave us?


I don't know anything about the side effects of Covid but I do know about constipation. I can recommend a home remedy for constipation that my mom always gave me when I was young. I'm 78 and still use it. It's natural but may be a little harsh. It's a teaspoon or more if needed, of baking soda (the kind you cook with – Arm and Hammer) dissolved in a glass of water. Drink the whole glass. You may want to squeeze a little lemon juice in it to make it taste better. It tastes awful, but it works. Stay near the bathroom. It works fairly fast. By the way, this also helps get rid of gas and bloating. After it works, try and drink a lot of water to keep from being dehydrated.

Eating certain foods also help such as prunes, fruit, nuts etc. But you probably already know that.
I hope this helps you. I'll say a prayer for you.


I've been constipated on n off for the last 2 years, going from constipation to diarrhea at times. Then while I was on a trial medication I was so extremely constipated , the most painful thing ever, to the point I had to glove up and do manual extraction... sorry TMI
I took mirilax for 3-4 days in a row and nothing, I drink 2-3L of water daily with electrolytes, I eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit n veg. It was literally like a light switch a few days after finishing up the RX. I still have my days but not to that extreme.


Thanks, for your honest information !
Only one question - what do you mean with RX?


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