Exploring New Ways to Stay Sober – Share Yours!
I am trying out few things such as reading blogs, and having fun with by dogs helping me a lot. What works for you?
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What works for me is this:
I work the 12 steps of Narcotics Anonymous. They have a 12 step working guide to help with that.
I have a sponsor whom I work the steps with and is a confidant if I need one.
I attend meetings regularly. 2 or 3 per week. I have found it is much easier focusing on recovery with regular meeting attendance.
I do service work. Meaning I do things for NA as well as my community as a volunteer.
I do not use today, no matter what.
For me there are no shortcuts, it takes perseverance, staying in contact with other recovering addicts and living an honest life. No stealing. lying or deceitfulness allowed.
In my experience, Ziggypop lists the actions for long term Sobriety
I do the same things except I use A A
I am 41 years sober and happy about that