Delayed post-Covid fatigue shakes and overwhelming anxiety

Posted by lisadunlap @lisadunlap, Apr 4, 2023

Has anyone else had onset months after Covid of debilitating fatigue, shakes, accompanied by extreme waves of emotional distress, like your brain has been altered?

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I, too, have the shaking, anxiety and extreme fatigue. Had Covid November, 2020.


Yes...I get the shakes bad...Never had a anxiety /panic attack in my life until after getting covid.
Fatigue and sore muscles as well....Any physical activity and i have come to expect being super sore the next
couple of days.


Yes...I get the shakes bad...Never had a anxiety /panic attack in my life until after getting covid.
Fatigue and sore muscles as well....Any physical activity and i have come to expect being super sore the next
couple of days.

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I’m so sorry you are suffering too with these weird after effects. What a bizarre virus this is. I never had an anxiety/panic attack in my life either before Covid. Plenty of anxiety related to life events, but manageable without pills, have meditated for decades, so this is all new.


I posted the following in the Sleep Disturbance section but want to cross post it here. Covid seems to be the missing clue I've been looking for to explain the disturbing and mysterious things that wake me:

I am fine falling asleep but am awakened some time later with wavelike sensations primarily in my upper body, arms and shoulders. I have felt similar physical sensations while awake which come from my fear of heights. Then my muscles start tightening to the point of discomfort. Sometimes I am able to get rid of these sensations by lightly pinching, pressing or massaging those body areas affected. If I am lucky it subsides. If not, I start periodic body jerking and trembling and my mouth becomes so parched that my tongue feels stuck to the roof of my mouth. The jerking and trembling can go on for an hour before it subsides and I feel safe enough to try to sleep. Fear has taken me to the ER twice with no conclusive results. My GP has sent me for more blood tests and brain scans, all of which reveal no pathology. I have been diagnosed with severe Sleep Breathing Disorder and am waiting for the full report on that before I can consult with my sleep doctor. In the meantime my sleep doctor has told me that he has not seen the "seizure like jerking" and other symptoms that I describe in relation to sleep apnea, which I believe I have. I am being referred to a neurologist and am waiting for that appointment, hopefully not too long from now. Not knowing what is going on with me is stressful.


I have experienced all of these symptoms too. The physicians say it is not due to Covid …


I have experienced all of these symptoms too. The physicians say it is not due to Covid …

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Please give us more detail about your symptoms. Also, which physicians - i.e. which specialists - have you consulted with about this?


Please give us more detail about your symptoms. Also, which physicians - i.e. which specialists - have you consulted with about this?

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Hi - Chronic fatigue, internal vibrations and anxiety. I have never experienced these things before. My primary care and my Mayo main physician have both said “not Covid.” I was really sick with Covid before the vaccines were developed, in November and December of 2020. So it was while ago but these symptoms did not appear until a couple of months later.

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