Excessive mucus without cough

Posted by hamdan @hamdan, Aug 19, 2023

I have persistent mucus in the lung and nose that causes shortness of breath. There is no cough.
I went to the doctor after a month and a half of symptoms, he said you had bronchial sensitivity, and he gave me a dilator. And an injection of hydrocortisone, and there was a 70 percent improvement, but after a week the symptoms returned again.
A complete cardiopulmonary examination showed no heart or lung problems.
There is an explanation: I was a smoker, but I stopped after these symptoms appeared, but without improvement .When walking or running, the sputum subsides, but returns hours later

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I have shortness of breath due to Breast cancer and your remark about using a dilator is helpful, I speak to my doctor


I had these EXACT same symptoms after a severe respiratory event about three years ago (probably Covid). I too was a former light smoker, but had quit 20 years prior. Ultimately my skilled pulmo team at Emory University diagnosed me with a combination of asthma and “silent Gerd”. Silent Gerd mimics asthma symptoms. Google it … there is also a great article about silent Gerd on the Mayo website. Three years later I still have some mucus, but I’m in a much better place.


My wife, a heavy smoker who quit in 1993 has the opposite problem. She coughs and produces no sputom, Yet her cough is volcanic and sounds volcanic,

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