Anyone taken Evenity (romosozumab) for Osteoporosis?

Posted by arlene7 @arlene7, May 27, 2020

Has anyone taken Evenity? I understand it’s only been on the market for a little over a year. I’m hoping it will help with my severe osteoporosis. Any information is helpful.

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My Dr. wants me to do a reclast infusion once a year. I refused. Anyone try this treatment? Any terrible side effects? Scared. Maria.

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I just finished my 3rd or 4th one time a year infusion of Reclast. I have had no SE of any kind. HAD A DEXA-Scan few months ago most OP sites were slightly improved. But, my right hip got significantly worse. No known reason. Now, they want me to start Evenity. The possible SE scare me to death!!!


I did Tymlos because the dose is adjustable and I could ramp up, and also because I can take Evenity after Tymlos but not the other way around.

Tymlos doesn't affect dental work. Evenity affects it less than Prolia or bisphosphonates. The rate for the latter two is low and necrosis of the jaw happens mostly with high doses given to cancer patients, I have read.

Anecdotally people seem to do well on Evenity, in terms of effectiveness and side effects. But I want to emphasize anecdotally!


I just finished my 3rd or 4th one time a year infusion of Reclast. I have had no SE of any kind. HAD A DEXA-Scan few months ago most OP sites were slightly improved. But, my right hip got significantly worse. No known reason. Now, they want me to start Evenity. The possible SE scare me to death!!!

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What does SE mean? I feel bad you only slightly improved. Why is Evenity the latest treatment? So glad for your response! Please keep in touch. Maria.


What does SE mean? I feel bad you only slightly improved. Why is Evenity the latest treatment? So glad for your response! Please keep in touch. Maria.

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SE is side effects!


Great to hear that your mom has been doing well on Evenity. I started in June, 2020 and so far so good as well. I will take new scans in May to see the improvements and then I would assume discuss ongoing maintenance since Evenity is only for one year. I also take Vitamin D3 and trying to get my calcium through foods, etc. Hoping your mom continues to do well.

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What were the results after your year on Evenity?


Thanks. He wanted me to have one infusion a year for 4 years. Did you say you just quit after your first infusion? Did you then switch to a different med? Maria.

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My physician said I just needed one infusion. I then continued on Alendronate for 4 more years. My story was that I had to take letrozole for breast cancer, a drug which inhibits estrogen. Right after I started the drug my osteopenia was pushed into Osteoporosis. My values had increased significantly after the Reclast (particularly my spine) in the follow up bone scan about a year later . They continued to increase even after that while I was already on Alendronate again for further 4 years. Now I have been for 4 years on an "Alendronate vacation", and now my values are getting bad again. If you do the Reclast, I would do one and see how it goes. Be aware, you need to fix your teeth before, if you need an extraction or a root canal beyond the tooth's apex you should do it before. Also your calcium will go down at first after the infusion. Have all values checked including PTH. right after.


My physician said I just needed one infusion. I then continued on Alendronate for 4 more years. My story was that I had to take letrozole for breast cancer, a drug which inhibits estrogen. Right after I started the drug my osteopenia was pushed into Osteoporosis. My values had increased significantly after the Reclast (particularly my spine) in the follow up bone scan about a year later . They continued to increase even after that while I was already on Alendronate again for further 4 years. Now I have been for 4 years on an "Alendronate vacation", and now my values are getting bad again. If you do the Reclast, I would do one and see how it goes. Be aware, you need to fix your teeth before, if you need an extraction or a root canal beyond the tooth's apex you should do it before. Also your calcium will go down at first after the infusion. Have all values checked including PTH. right after.

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@kay44 this is the type of course my doc wants me to do after Tymlos, with vacations possible. (I also did letrozole for 5 years but already had osteoporosis and doc did not want to do Reclast at that time due to my afib. Wish he had!)


This is what I learned yesterday and before . The bone building drugs are apparently for the people who have serious osteoporosis. In my recent scan my spine just went from 1.2 to 2.4 T score and in my hips I just got into T-Score 2.6. . These were also my values prior to getting Reclast. My bone physician did give me Reclast with these values in the past. But I have to say, I also broke bones with Osteopenia at the drop of the hat. Now I do not know what to do. This very good Physician died.
What is clear to me now is, that your bone values determine what kind of treatment is needed. I personally think, I might not be at the point for these expensive bone builders. I also would not know how to afford them. I have an atrial flutter not fibrillation. I did not even know about the Reclast perhaps causing atrial fibrillation, my concern where my kidneys. Since you get the infusion under the supervision with nurses, perhaps they can monitor the heart?


This is what I learned yesterday and before . The bone building drugs are apparently for the people who have serious osteoporosis. In my recent scan my spine just went from 1.2 to 2.4 T score and in my hips I just got into T-Score 2.6. . These were also my values prior to getting Reclast. My bone physician did give me Reclast with these values in the past. But I have to say, I also broke bones with Osteopenia at the drop of the hat. Now I do not know what to do. This very good Physician died.
What is clear to me now is, that your bone values determine what kind of treatment is needed. I personally think, I might not be at the point for these expensive bone builders. I also would not know how to afford them. I have an atrial flutter not fibrillation. I did not even know about the Reclast perhaps causing atrial fibrillation, my concern where my kidneys. Since you get the infusion under the supervision with nurses, perhaps they can monitor the heart?

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@kay44 Reclast was proven not to affect afib. I am going to take it (partial dose at first) after Tymlos.

DEXA scores aren't the only criterion for the bone building drugs. You apparently have fractures and for my insurance, at least, that means insurance would cover Forteo or Tymlos. These two drugs do the best job for bone quality, not just bone density.


I am considering taking Evenity. I am searching through all of your posts to find out, how Evenity is tolerated by you, if you had serious side effects, and yes, what to do about dental care while you are getting this drug or after.
I had to take Alendronate for seven years until 2018. I had one infusion of Reclast in 2013, after my bones were getting really bad from breast cancer treatment. I have had multiple discussions with oral surgeons because I have had dental problems while on the drugs and after I stopped the drugs. I did not know before taking all these drugs, that taking them would impact me for years to come in my dental care.
In 2018 and 2022 I was told by different maxofacial surgeons not to extract the teeth that were ailing me. I was told, I was at huge risk for osteonecrosis. All of this mostly because of the IV Reclast infusion and to a lesser extent because of Alendronate. It cost me a fortune (multiple root canals etc.) to save the teeth which really were not savable. One tooth was cut in half to keep it in. I wonder now, if Evenity could bring me back into this same situation. My teeth are in horrible shape, as I really could not fix them right. Does anyone know more about dental extraction and Evenity?
There is plenty of literature from maxofacial surgeons and American Dental Association on the prevention of osteonecrosis during dental procedures in patients who have taken bisphosphonates. Perhaps some of these guidelines also apply to Evenity, I do not know. When infection of gums or near bone I always immediately take antibiotics.

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I am having the same questions and concerns about Evenity treatment. I am scheduled to start my first injection on 1/5/23. But right now I've been fighting the flu (I think) for the past week, still sick, better but not 100%. I am even more leery about starting now, I want to be at 100% (if possible). I also have gum issues, I been going to Dentist every 6 months for my cleanings, they have to do a deep cleaning due to my gums. Years ago I had to build up bone in my jaw to have a post put in (that was right after Chemo treatments).So now I'm concerned about that. I also have carotid artery stenosis. I am going to contact my Rheumologist with these concerns. Weigh the pros and cons.. ugh

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