Anyone taken Evenity (romosozumab) for Osteoporosis?

Posted by arlene7 @arlene7, May 27, 2020

Has anyone taken Evenity? I understand it’s only been on the market for a little over a year. I’m hoping it will help with my severe osteoporosis. Any information is helpful.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Osteoporosis & Bone Health Support Group.


Have not started the drug yet but have read so many negative reviews, I am torn.
Hearing a positive review is encouraging.

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I just had my 7th injection with no issues 🙂


My Dexa numbers put me in the Severe category, hip and spine. I have never fractured but I did have a very traumatic fall 6 years ago and broke my hip. So I guess you could say I did fracture. But I just finished 2 years of Forteo and will be starting Evenity in 3 weeks. I'm very fearful of the side effects. Forteo did very little for me, I remained stable but no real increases in density.

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@255anny, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. @bbones2023 also recently shared their concerns with the side effects of starting Evenity as well and @natgma shared they are on their 7th injection with no side effects yet. Knowing who will and who won't experience side effects is such a hard thing to determine as we all process medications differently.

How did you do with side effects while on Forteo?


@255anny, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. @bbones2023 also recently shared their concerns with the side effects of starting Evenity as well and @natgma shared they are on their 7th injection with no side effects yet. Knowing who will and who won't experience side effects is such a hard thing to determine as we all process medications differently.

How did you do with side effects while on Forteo?

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I did well on Forteo, very minor side effects. Some bone pain off and on. In the first few months of starting it, I had fatigue that really sidelined me, but that was only for a day or 2. Overall, it was fine. I just wish I would have experienced some gains.


My Dr wants me to take Evinity. Dr McCormick wanted me to start with Forteo, but my endo said that prior radiation therapy is contraindicated. She said it can maybe cause bone cancer. Evinity doesn't, it can cause other health issues. I will try it.


I’ve had five injections so far. I think I’m tired the day, after but thats my only issue.

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I have been on Evenity for 5 month and the only thing sometimes my neck gets a little sore, which the nurse told me she has heard that before..besides that it’s been going good..
I was so reluctant to take it at first until I found this group page and reading what other people have said about it so I went ahead and did it..


I have been on Evenity for 5 month and the only thing sometimes my neck gets a little sore, which the nurse told me she has heard that before..besides that it’s been going good..
I was so reluctant to take it at first until I found this group page and reading what other people have said about it so I went ahead and did it..

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I was reluctant to take Evenity also and read this for awhile about it. I have had 3 months of Evenity and no side effects so far.


I was reluctant to take Evenity also and read this for awhile about it. I have had 3 months of Evenity and no side effects so far.

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I was also reluctant to take Evenity and now I am 3 months in with no real side effects except feeling tired a week or so after my injection.


lilyann here, i too, have osteoporosis, at risk for hip fracture. spine fracture. thing is now they are talking about giving me radiation for my thyroid cancer. i have been going from one dr. to another and scans and it is becoming very overwhelming. its a shame the choices we have to make in our golden years. blessings to all.


Has anyone had a fast heart rate with Evenity?


So I haven’t taken any bisphosphonate in three weeks and went to PT. I’m feeling better. Switching to Actonel next week to see if that is better than Fosomax for me. In the middle of this had to have rotator cuff surgery this week so a few variables!

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Hi, My switch to Actonel from Fosomax after 11 months of Evenity seems to be going well. Fosomax made me very stiff and achy just like the Evenity but Actonel seems to be okay after two months. Just wanted to update. Hoping gains made with Evenity hold. Exercise has slowed a lot due to rotator cuff surgery but have been walking. Need to get back to more weight bearing overall.

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