Anyone had oral surgery while on Evenity?

Posted by bruceandruth1970 @bruceandruth1970, Jul 20, 2022

I am taking Evenity injections. My dentist told me today that I need a tooth extracted. This is not recommended while on Evenity. Has anyone had oral surgery while on Evenity?

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Thank you Amanda for the suggestion to follow others in this discussion.
The problem with my tooth came up after I started Evenity. The oral surgery cannot be put off for a year. That is why I wondered if this had happened to anyone else.
Thank you again.

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How did your extraction go? You have any problems since you were on evenity & needed to pull the tooth right away? Thanks for any info I am in the same boat now.


I have learned so much from this support group over the past year – it is the first thing I read each morning with a cup of coffee. While I want to (eventually) write a longer post, I wanted to reply quickly to your question as I recently had an implant. I started on Evenity in January of 2023 and discovered that I needed to extract a molar (crack and infection) in May. My oral surgeon thought it would be fine without a pause in medication but I checked with my endocrinologist and the dentist checked with a colleague at the local university medical school (all three are affiliated). They all agreed so I went ahead with what turned out to be quite a difficult and lengthy extraction but I followed the advice to ice the area consistently. The jaw area was a little swollen for several days, but I needed only a little Advil. The bone implant grew without incident, in fact when he measured the bone density (not sure the name of the tool he used) the strength was “88-89” and deemed excellent. I just had the crown placed on the post. As we know, everyone is different but I wanted to let you know that I had a good experience while continuing Evenity throughout.

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Thank you for your sharing your expierence!


Has anyone stopped evenity for 1 month & had a tooth extraction (upper) with no problems? Thanks


Has anyone stopped evenity for 1 month & had a tooth extraction (upper) with no problems? Thanks

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I stopped Evenity for six weeks before and after oral surgery. No bad effects.


I was on Evenity and had a tooth extracted. i got a mild case of osteonecrosis of the jaw. the oral surgeon had me apply chlorhexidine to the gum for several months. It healed fine. He is still watching me.


I too am on Evenity for 5 months and now may need tooth extraction and implant. I would love to hear more current responses to those who are or have been in this position. Unsure how to move forward.
My endo. Says take 1 month break and go back. But 1 month is not enough time for an implant. Appreciate any feedback. Thank you

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Did you proceed with extraction while taking Evenity? I’m facing the same problem.


I found this information on a endodontist Laboratory Risk Assessment for Patients taking oral bisphosphonates

CTX Value Risk for ONJ
300 to 600 pg/ml (normal) none
150 to 299 pg/ml none to minimal
101 to 149 pg/ml moderate
Less than 100 pg/ml high
They do a CTX valuation.
If you haven’t had a recent CTX I would definitely suggest looking into having this done .


I found this information on a endodontist Laboratory Risk Assessment for Patients taking oral bisphosphonates

CTX Value Risk for ONJ
300 to 600 pg/ml (normal) none
150 to 299 pg/ml none to minimal
101 to 149 pg/ml moderate
Less than 100 pg/ml high
They do a CTX valuation.
If you haven’t had a recent CTX I would definitely suggest looking into having this done .

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@kristie2 wondering if there were any guidelines provided for those that had higher CTX scores than what you sighted. OR should I assume if the CTX is in the 600 and higher range All is well - no issue???
Thanks for your valuable information!!! Something I haven’t come across as yet in my research!!!!

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