Anyone had oral surgery while on Evenity?

Posted by bruceandruth1970 @bruceandruth1970, Jul 20, 2022

I am taking Evenity injections. My dentist told me today that I need a tooth extracted. This is not recommended while on Evenity. Has anyone had oral surgery while on Evenity?

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Hi @bruceandruth1970, while I have not taken it myself, there are many other members who have or know a lot about the medication like @readhead1226, @windyshores, @saz, @haroula, @maselber321,
You might want to follow up with people in this discussion This discussion - Anyone taken Evenity (romosozumab) for Osteoporosis?

Some reference info as well: "You should not have major dental surgery while on this medicine. See your dentist to have a dental exam and fix any dental problems before starting this ..." Romosozumab injection - Cleveland Clinic:

Did you tell your dentist you were on this medication?


Hi @bruceandruth1970, while I have not taken it myself, there are many other members who have or know a lot about the medication like @readhead1226, @windyshores, @saz, @haroula, @maselber321,
You might want to follow up with people in this discussion This discussion - Anyone taken Evenity (romosozumab) for Osteoporosis?

Some reference info as well: "You should not have major dental surgery while on this medicine. See your dentist to have a dental exam and fix any dental problems before starting this ..." Romosozumab injection - Cleveland Clinic:

Did you tell your dentist you were on this medication?

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Thank you Amanda for the suggestion to follow others in this discussion.
The problem with my tooth came up after I started Evenity. The oral surgery cannot be put off for a year. That is why I wondered if this had happened to anyone else.
Thank you again.


Dear @bruceandtruth1970
Before starting Evenity - 6 months ago - I was concerned about their dental advisory notice so my dentist asked Amgen and they replied he had nothing to worry about. Maybe they are over cautious but this is a bit confusing so I see my dental hygienist every second month in order to monitor the situation. I think this could be a good advice for anyone taking Evenity. I invite you to contact them and expose your problem giving more details like if you plan to have an implant or whatever. Warm wishes


"Severe jaw bone problems (osteonecrosis) may occur. Your healthcare provider should examine your mouth before you start EVENITY® and may tell you to see your dentist. Ask your healthcare provider or dentist about good mouth care." › side-effects

See above re: possible side effect is osteonecrosis ("dead jaw bone") noted on Evenity's own website. I don't know why an Amgen rep failed to mention this to your dentist. But then I wouldn't rely on any drug-maker's optimistic assurances. The FDA's FAERS website of post-approval adverse effects is a public site, designed to give patients more information about other parients' experiences.

Amgen has a history of being a little too cute in downplaying side effects. That's my opinion backed by lots of research and defensible in case Amgen wants to sue me. But it might be too busy settling the myriad class action lawsuits re: Prolia's not-quite-noted side effects. Caveat emptor with all drugs, but especially new ones.


Before I started Evenity, my provider made me get an okay from my dentist confirming I had presently no dental problems. It seems you did that and yet are having dental problems. Good luck going forward.


Dear @bruceandtruth1970
Before starting Evenity - 6 months ago - I was concerned about their dental advisory notice so my dentist asked Amgen and they replied he had nothing to worry about. Maybe they are over cautious but this is a bit confusing so I see my dental hygienist every second month in order to monitor the situation. I think this could be a good advice for anyone taking Evenity. I invite you to contact them and expose your problem giving more details like if you plan to have an implant or whatever. Warm wishes

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Thank you so much for your reply.



I am also taking Evenity injections. I also need a tooth extraction. Has anyone answered your question about having oral surgery while on Evenity? I’m very interested in other’s experiences.

Thank you,

I am taking Evenity injections. My dentist told me today that I need a tooth extracted. This is not recommended while on Evenity. Has anyone had oral surgery while on Evenity?



I am also taking Evenity injections. I also need a tooth extraction. Has anyone answered your question about having oral surgery while on Evenity? I’m very interested in other’s experiences.

Thank you,

I am taking Evenity injections. My dentist told me today that I need a tooth extracted. This is not recommended while on Evenity. Has anyone had oral surgery while on Evenity?

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Sorry to say that I did not get a reply. I waited two months after I stopped Evenity to have the tooth extracted. I am having an implant, so I’m assuming I can’t go back on Evenity until it is completed. I see the rheumatologist next week, so hopefully she will give me more information.
Please let me know how you do with the extraction. Best of luck.


Thank you for your reply. I’ve had 11 Evenity injections, and I injured my lower middle tooth. I think it will need to be extracted, but because my dentist is out of town I can’t see him till Wednesday. I’m going to ask him to call my doctor and discuss this with him if it needs to be pulled. My trying to call and get to talk to him would be like “pulling teeth.” Sorry for the pun! I’ll let you know what happens.


Thank you for your reply. I’ve had 11 Evenity injections, and I injured my lower middle tooth. I think it will need to be extracted, but because my dentist is out of town I can’t see him till Wednesday. I’m going to ask him to call my doctor and discuss this with him if it needs to be pulled. My trying to call and get to talk to him would be like “pulling teeth.” Sorry for the pun! I’ll let you know what happens.

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Thank you. I would like to know what you are told.

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