Evenity Side Effects

Posted by cincy @cincy, Dec 27, 2023

Has anyone had severe back pain and burning sensation on Evenity after just starting ?And how long does it last or is it a sign to try another medication?It starts about 7 days after the injection and pain is severe you can’t do a thing.Thanks.

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On the 1st injection, I didn't quite notice a full strength burning, more like subtle. The burning progressed into 2nd to 4th injection. 4rd to 7th injection adverse reaction peaked. Lasted each injection up to 7 to 10 days, which included: joint pain, stiffness, achiness, some burning like sensation, poor sleep. Irritable. Very dark circles under my eyes! Was planning to stop Evenity after 7th injection. I had enough!!! Then I connected with this website and reread the Evenity medication insert. Found out that I was at "peak" adverse reaction ( strongest side effect known). I met my endocrinologist, she concurred with the "peak period reaction" and thought there may be a subtle settling or plateau (my word usage) where the side effects subsides a bit and not as long in duration. So I decided to carry on.... 8th injection side effects WERE less severe and not as long But two days from now, the 9th injection, I'll see what happens. This is a bone building drug!! Some change has to occur to our weak bones!! But certainly not life threatening.
I am determined to complete all 12 injections. I have come this far.... and know the journey is not easy with other future drugs ...and ... osteoporosis is unique to the individual ...but all I have is to go by is FDA? AMGEN RESEARCH, DATA......my DEXA SCAN SCORE...nutrition and weight bearing exercises (last two very important) NO guarantees.. I am not perfect, I drink coffee, some wine. I have osteoarthritis, R hip other age related common issues.. So many variables... Just going to live my short , sweet life and will eventually give up what I mentioned as my vices for my best health outcomes. Thank you all for your time in reading this comment. Best of luck.

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I was hoping after the 7th injection's burning, stiffness and pain I'd be over the peak side effects. However I had my 8th injection 9 days ago and still having the burning, stiffness and pain. I was really hoping to do all 12 injections but my quality of life has decreased since beginning this medication last June. It's quite frustrating and depressing.


@ Windshores Do you mean from time of injection symptoms came on suddenly? If so, no I don't think so.


@ Windshores Do you mean from time of injection symptoms came on suddenly? If so, no I don't think so.

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@bebea no I didn't mean right after the injection. How did your side effects start? I had a sudden onset on day 10. Meaning I was fine at 6am and had extreme symptoms of pain and burning when I woke again at 8am !


@nwyatt glad you are feeling better! The Evenity has passed its peak for you, according to the drug info!
Burning for me was minor until day 10 and 11. Today is day 12 and it is easing, though still in my chest. Maybe I have a later peak! I don't mind the symptoms I have today but the last two days have been intense. Despite pain, stiffness and burning I took a long walk both days. My experience with cancer meds has taught me that walking and moving in general (tai chi, swimming) helps with side effects. I am still planning on 3#, whether one or two shots.

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Do you have CTx and P1NP tests planned for the near future to make sure Evenity is working for you? It would be awful to endure the side effects if it's not actually working. I have a DEXA with TBS and VFA scheduled for 3 weeks from now. Because I have to drive a long way to get there, I'm going to ask my doctor to order more BTM labs to make sure my numbers are headed in the right direction before I get to far into the treatment.


Thanks! @bebea5 I will also ask you: did your symptoms come on suddenly? It was strange that I was fine at 6am, went back to sleep, and woke at 8:00 with maximum symptoms. I don't think I have Lyme at this point. Sensations are compatible with Evenity side effects the first time but more intense.

To others reading this: most people seem to have virtually no side effects with Evenity and I am sensitive to all meds. I don't want to discourage anyone!

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Thank you for writing all about EVENITY it helps me a lot. I have a question: can we take only one shot instead of two. I will get #9 on the 2/17 /24. Maybe the side effects will be less.
I read on your site that only the first 7 or 8 shots build bone. the rest is just to keep what you achieved. Thank You,


Thank you for writing all about EVENITY it helps me a lot. I have a question: can we take only one shot instead of two. I will get #9 on the 2/17 /24. Maybe the side effects will be less.
I read on your site that only the first 7 or 8 shots build bone. the rest is just to keep what you achieved. Thank You,

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I declined the second shot. I didn't have permission to do that. We have a right to decline. I did tell my doc afterward and he was okay with it but said it was less effective. I read that one shot is 10% effective vs 16% for two shots.

I still had side effects so it may not make a difference. I am not sure!


@hopeful librarian my P1NP after my first Evenity was low at 33. I asked my doc if this meant that Evenity isn't doing anything and he did not know! I have others to ask.


@hopeful librarian my P1NP after my first Evenity was low at 33. I asked my doc if this meant that Evenity isn't doing anything and he did not know! I have others to ask.

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This is interesting, maybe it's too early in your case. Hope it will be up next few months. Will you be checked monthly?


I declined the second shot. I didn't have permission to do that. We have a right to decline. I did tell my doc afterward and he was okay with it but said it was less effective. I read that one shot is 10% effective vs 16% for two shots.

I still had side effects so it may not make a difference. I am not sure!

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Thank You, I am having a bad rash on my tummy (where I am getting the shots) and I was wondering if just one shot per month would stop all the side effects. I am getting #9 and I am quitting. Thank You again.


Thank You, I am having a bad rash on my tummy (where I am getting the shots) and I was wondering if just one shot per month would stop all the side effects. I am getting #9 and I am quitting. Thank You again.

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My allergist asked about a rash. Not sure if that is a sign of allergy or a local reaction of inflammation. In either case, one shot would still maybe cause the same thing, but the rash would probably be on one side!

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