Enchondroma, vs. Chondrosarcoma

Posted by Linda @ilovedaisies, Sep 20, 2018

Has anyone had any experience with this rare benign (enchondroma) bone tumor of the hand turning malignant (chondrosarcoma)?

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I am recently (March 2024) diagnosed with chondrosarcoma on my left lower pelvis. I had an MRI back in 2021 showing a lesion at the same spot, but was considered benign.

There were two times (in 3 years) that I thought I pulled my muscle at the back that it hurt when I walked. But it did not catch my attention. I had some sleep, and the next day I woke up, I was fine. So I never really looked into it, until this time, I thought I hurt my back again because we were moving. I went to the orthopedic for x-ray, and found out that it had became malignant.

I’m meeting with doctors at Mayo to discuss a plan for surgery. I’m quite concerned about my ability to walk after the surgery.

It’s difficult to find any type of information about chondrosarcoma online, and it’s hard to imagine what type of after care I will need.

I’m grateful for any sharing posted here. 🌷

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I had a sacral chondrosarcoma removed and also 3 nerves cut. I have a colostomy and also have to cath myself. I had 2 surgeries in one week and they were each 12 hours. Don't worry about not being able to walk, you will. My surgery was 6 months ago and I am walking with the help of a walker but I go to PT 2X a week and it helps A LOT! Don't skip out on PT, they are awesome! Don't be scared, I'm 57 yrs old and made it through and you will too. ❤️❤️❤️

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