Cancer, blood clotting and concerns about blood thinners

Posted by charliegolfrep @charliegolfrep, Jan 19, 2022

As blood clotting is common among cancer / chemo patients my wife has been put on Eloquis after a scan showed a small blood clot in her lung. She has side effects of excessive coughing. For 3 weeks after start she coughed up blood, then stopped for 4 weeks and now has started again. Had a Broncial scope but nothing showed up to cause this blood. She is on 5mg twice a day and is on chemo every other weeks. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 7 years ago, had whipple, was cancer free until 2018 when a spot showed up on her lung and has been on chemo since .Anyone have any experience with Eloquis ?

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My wife has been on eliquis 3 times since starting her pancan journey in 2019. When she was on the same dose as your wife she had severe side effects and begged to have her dose reduced. She has been taking only 2.5 mg once per day and the side effects are diminished. We'll see if she can stop when we get the next scan.


My wife has been on eliquis 3 times since starting her pancan journey in 2019. When she was on the same dose as your wife she had severe side effects and begged to have her dose reduced. She has been taking only 2.5 mg once per day and the side effects are diminished. We'll see if she can stop when we get the next scan.

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Thank you
We have just been moved to 2.5 twice a day
we'll see if it is any better and hopefully after next scan can stop also
keep me posted


Thank you
We have just been moved to 2.5 twice a day
we'll see if it is any better and hopefully after next scan can stop also
keep me posted

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Charlie, please post an update when you know more.


Eloguis 2.5 so far so good. Coughing greatly reduced and almost no blood coming from the cough.
1/21/2 Scan shows the 3 tumors in the lungs stable . No reduction but no growth. Next chemo treatment 2/14/22, and radiologist has ordered a pet scan to see if the collapsed lower lobe area is perhaps due to centrally located metastases that can be treated


My wife’s recent chest CT scan showed a lung blood clot for the first time after 9 months of chemo (G/A every two weeks) for pancreatic cancer with minor lung MET. She just completed 14 days of radiation at the pancreas cancer, with capecitabine twice daily and is now returning to her previous regiment. She just started Eloquis 30 day starter pack (5 mg). This was a very surprising finding since she has not experienced any breathing or coughing issues. Can those on Eloquis share their experience on side effects …. when they begin and to what extent?
Thanks to all and God bless.


My wife’s recent chest CT scan showed a lung blood clot for the first time after 9 months of chemo (G/A every two weeks) for pancreatic cancer with minor lung MET. She just completed 14 days of radiation at the pancreas cancer, with capecitabine twice daily and is now returning to her previous regiment. She just started Eloquis 30 day starter pack (5 mg). This was a very surprising finding since she has not experienced any breathing or coughing issues. Can those on Eloquis share their experience on side effects …. when they begin and to what extent?
Thanks to all and God bless.

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I was started on a blood thinner at diagnosis (Pradaxa). My oncologist said pancreatic cancer causes more blood clots than any other, so they start all patients on it preventatively. I remained on Pradaxa twice daily until I had total pancreatectomy last summer, at which point I was switched to Eliquis 2.5mg twice daily, which I will be on for life. I tolerate it just fine and have had no side effects.


ashley2235, thank you for your response. This is very encouraging, but we all know everyone is different and may have different side effects, but it is good to know there is some good news out there.

Many thanks again!


My wife’s recent chest CT scan showed a lung blood clot for the first time after 9 months of chemo (G/A every two weeks) for pancreatic cancer with minor lung MET. She just completed 14 days of radiation at the pancreas cancer, with capecitabine twice daily and is now returning to her previous regiment. She just started Eloquis 30 day starter pack (5 mg). This was a very surprising finding since she has not experienced any breathing or coughing issues. Can those on Eloquis share their experience on side effects …. when they begin and to what extent?
Thanks to all and God bless.

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I had a similar occurrence with small pulmonary embolism after mFolfirinox. Liquid prescribed. 5mg twice a day. I have been on since last October and had no side effects. My most recent scan shows the embolism is gone. I will be on Eliquis for life.


mimimmx, thank you as well….. I am hopeful my wife will have the same positive experience. I am interested in the liquid form of Eloquis…. She is taking the 5mg pill twice daily. She began on “The 30 Day Starter Pack” 4 days ago, which has two 5mg pills in the morning and two 5mg pills in the evening, for one week, then one 5mg pill twice daily. Our oncologist said he will order refills when this is finished. We expect the new prescription will be two per day. Wonder if liquid form has any advantage over the pills….
Thank you for your response…. more encouraging news.


I had a similar occurrence with small pulmonary embolism after mFolfirinox. Liquid prescribed. 5mg twice a day. I have been on since last October and had no side effects. My most recent scan shows the embolism is gone. I will be on Eliquis for life.

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Apologies. It should read “Eliquis prescribed”. My apologies for the typo.

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