Electrical shocks in brain

Posted by patbaret @patbaret, Nov 11, 2023

I have been suffering with mild to sever quick electrical shocks in my brain in same place for years. They come on gently and get sever as days go in. They las 3 to 11 days. Nausea. After taking excedrine and extra strength Tylenol helps. I have taken migraine medicine that doesn’t touch this. I think it is brought on by stress. Has anyone ever experienced this terrible symptom. I do now have tinnitus and wear hearing aids.

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I have brain zaps, don't know if it's the same thing you have. Supposedly they are brought on by medication but I don't medication that can do that. I also have tinnitus and loss of hearing, and my neck is a mess with numbness, etc., so don't know if that can bring on brain zaps. It's awful!


I have brain zaps, don't know if it's the same thing you have. Supposedly they are brought on by medication but I don't medication that can do that. I also have tinnitus and loss of hearing, and my neck is a mess with numbness, etc., so don't know if that can bring on brain zaps. It's awful!

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I feel for you because it’s unbearable painful at time. One doctor said it is temperalmyalgia, but that’s what I have. This pain is behind my ear.
Had this for years. Excedrin migraine helps


Thanks for your info. I can't take Excedrin, Aleve or any other aspirin types. I have a blood disorder and can only take Tylenol which I don't like because it isn't good for your liver. I'm wondering if that is what I have. Not sure.


Yes, I have and do. I had a concussion in 2019 and a "thunderclap headache" in 2020 and my head has not been the same since. I developed migraines, etc. and also experience "jolts" of severe pain lasting minutes (thank God, if they lasted longer it would be a 911 call) that come and go. You are right. My migraine medication does nothing to help such jolts of severe pain. And they can appear anywhere on my head. And I also believe stress is the culprit. My neurologist really has said nothing of help re: this symptom. So I try to work on decreasing stress as much as possible but hard with a terrible panic disorder. MRIs are all normal. Sometimes I wonder if they are warning signs of a stroke but that's just me. I simply massage the area when they occur and hang on. Sometimes I use my migraine ice cap which can help a bit. Because of heart disease I can not take the NSAIDs. I use the CGRPs for my migraines which are just so-so, not that great. And I use Nervivio also I found to be initially helpful but after several months, again it's just marginal. I hear you...and wish you the best of luck. You are not alone.


I wish you the best also. Terrible shock pain. It gets bad that it can jerk your head with the shock. I feel like a vessel is going to burst open. Makes me nauseous. I use hot and cold on area which is always the same. I believe stress brings them in also. The shocks are for days and get lighter as days go on. They leave when there are ready. Migraine is what I use. Nothing else works.
Stay stress free even Christmas is coming.


@patbaret i presume you’re under the cate of a neurologist and taking meds for your symptoms? They sound pretty bad and I’m curious if you’ve sought second opinions for treatment?


No I am good at the moment and no meds. No dizzy spells, or headaches. I take excedrine for the brain shocks when I start feeling the episode starting until it wears itself out. So strange why we get the symptoms a lot of us endure.

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