Ear Pain with Throat Cancer
What kind of Ear Pain does a person experience when he has throat Cancer? Is it a Non-Stop ear Pain that never goes away OR is it a small ear pain that comes and goes every now and then?
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I have ear pain that's fairly constant. I have been getting some relief taking aspirins.
I had it periodically for months, no Infection, so Thought it was from My Sinus, it wasn't Pain that was unbearable, but Tylenol didn't even Help it, so I just ignored it, until I started getting a Hoarse Voice, my GP referred me to an ENT, Lo & Be Hold Lesions on my Larynx..Radiation twice daily, finished 3/22, no recurrence as of yet, but still have side effects including mild ear pain..We're you Diagnosed yet ?
I had severe ear pain which is what got me into the doctor. Though I was misdiagnosed as TMJ(twice) I was found to be in stage IV base of tongue and throat cancer. The ear pain was due to a tumor pressing a nerve which caused permanent damage and I will have ear pain for the rest of my life.
@saift, I'd like to add my welcome along with the responses you got from @mojo244 @jbj and @anybody10. A few members have also mentioned tinnitus along with ear pain. Do you experience tinnitus too?
Saift, have you been diagnosed with throat cancer or are you concerned that this ear pain is a symptom of cancer?
Did you have any imaging done when it was diagnosed as TMJ? I’ve had intermittent ear pain and had a cone beam CT for the TMJ which was clear. But, those don’t see soft tissue very well, so I’m worried that scan missed something.
No they did not do a CT for TMJ.
Have your dentist check you for TMJ.
Thanks. How did your doc finally diagnose you? Was it through a scan or did they have to use a scope?
So, our family Dr(former) diagnosed it as TMJ Twice as did the ENT that the MD sent me to.
The ENT scoped me but miss the Stage IV cancer.
A routine dental exam revealed that I didn’t have TMJ and that I had paralysis to my tongue along with a tumor at the base of my tongue, beneath my tongue and in my throat. Mind you, this is within 4 days of seeing our former doctor again!
My dentist contacted the ENT and told him that he needed to conduct another exam and thoroughly scope my throat!
The ENT got me back in the next day and TADA, he found what my dentist told him.
No hard feelings towards my two doctors but how does a dentist find what they had missed?
Thank you. I’m glad you were able to finally get care and it sounds like you have come through.
Hi, I realize this is an older thread... and I have been in constant ear pain for 3 months. Finally diagnosed with tongue/tonsil cancer. What pain meds are working? The only thing that seems to help me is liquid (children's) Tylenol every 4-5 hours. Tramadol doesn't help at all and I'm allergic to many narcotics. Ideas? Insights? Advice? Thank you! Starting chemo/radiation soon and would really like a pain management plan.