Ear Echoing

Posted by nimmi05 @nimmi05, Jan 1 8:03am

I suddenly developed echoing in right ear almost 3 weeks back
ENT put me on steroids , while tapering off the echoing came back and now am back on another course of steroids , Ent has ordered MRI for the ear . Please advice , is MRI the best route to find out more
What can I expect ? Very anxious

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Did the ENT mention a eustation tube problem? I hear only my voice like it is slightly muffled. Been to 7 ENT’s with 6 CT scans and an MRI. No diagnosis. Told I may have to live with it. It started after I stopped using my hearing aids. I have mild hearing loss.


Going MRI tomorrow
Mine started suddenly out of blue
I can hear of outside noises as well especially high pitched
Still on steroids

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