Eagle Syndrome

Posted by Jackie, Alumna Mentor @travelgirl, Apr 25, 2018

My son was diagnosed with Eagle Syndrome. It took years of him complaining to Dentists and Doctors before it was diagnosed. Finally a Dr referred him too the Cleveland Clinic. They were able to diagnose it, but didn't have a Dr on staff that could offer any advice. Being that Eagle syndrome is so rare less than 4% percent have this condition and of that 0.16% show symptoms.
We found a couple of Dr's who have treated the condition. But they claim the surgery is horrible they found it creates more issues. That to hold off as long as a person can.
It is very painful at times for my son. He said right now, he can feel the Styloid pressing on his Hyloid bone.
Does Mayo Clinic have any studies or Dr's that deal with Eagles Syndrome?

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Yes I did have surgery in Septembar of 2021 in Idaho state and surgery was like a dream,,before surgery life was living nightmare that can't even describe anyone that like to have more info please send me a private message - will give more info and have pictures after surgery.

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Hi, I was wondering what doctor performed the surgery for you in Idaho what hospital was it at? Thanks I also have been diagnosed with eagle syndrome but yet to find a doctor.


Hi, I was wondering what doctor performed the surgery for you in Idaho what hospital was it at? Thanks I also have been diagnosed with eagle syndrome but yet to find a doctor.

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I have bilateral Eagles Syndrome. There are ENT doctors at the University of Minnesota Fairview clinic that treat this. I see Dr. Hamlar.


I have been told I possibly have Eagle Syndrome and I had a CT scan last Friday. I was being treated for Trigeminal neuralgia symptoms. They did 3 nerve blocks on me the third one finally worked then they did Gamma Knife Surgery. I was pain free for a year and a 1/2. They have now done a 4th nerve block which did not touch my pain and the pains are becoming more severe, intense and frequent as time goes on. I have had several scans done and I know for sure my Trigeminal nerve is deformed. When I went back to the pain specialist last week to discuss my 5 nerve block he said he had new he hit the nerve right on with the 4 injection and is now concerned I have Eagle Syndrome. He sent me for a CT scan last week but he is out of town on vacation until next week. With all of that being said I am very scared. I wanted to describe pain and see if anyone is experimenting anything similar. I am having electrical shock pain in my teeth and jaw. My ear aches and when I touch it, it causes the electrical shock pain. I have pain under my tongue. Also my glands under my jaw are tender to the touch. Below ear and behind my jaw is very tender to the touch. My pains come when I bend over or move my head when turning over. I also get them when trying to lay down or when I try to get up from a lying position to fast. Is anyone experiencing these types of pains?

I did have orthodontic work done as a child.

They have also found my air way is extremely small and I have sever sleep apnea (possibly exacerbated by the orthodontic work) I am suppose to have Maxillofacial surgery done in June to move both my jaws forward as to open my airway more and help with sleep apnea. Has anyone been told if Maxillofacial surgery could possibly help Eagle Syndrome?

Has anyone had a nerve block done to help with the pains?

Thank you

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