Driving with Numb Feet.

Posted by davidpn @davidpn, Jul 25, 2023

Over the past year the numbness in my feet has increased and at times I find my foot slipping off the brake. I’ve kept my driving to less than 2 miles and this might occur about once per drive.

My license is due for renewal and the medical form filled out three years ago (numbness not as bad) is due to be resubmitted. I can’t lie to doctors and pretend everything is okay but I do have a question.

Can any one recommend a shoe, currently using skechers which has helped with walking, that might help this problem.

Thanks much.

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You reminded me of an incident when my shoes got my pedals wet and my feet dangerously slipped. I now keep an old towel in the car to make sure that I dry the bottoms of my shoes thoroughly before driving when caught in a rain. I no longer assume that my floor mat got it all.

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Having both of my feet numb, and not being able to feel the brake and gas pedals, I opted to have hand controls installed in my car.
The handgrip allows me to pull back and go, push forward to stop.
Being an independent person, I couldn’t sit around and wait for my husband or friend to take me to a hair appt, or nail appt, etc.
The cost was $5,000. to install in my car.
My husband can drive my car when he removes the plate that covers the brake and gas pedals.
When I drive the metal plate is in place,so I don’t automatically try to use them.
Only downside to these controls is if we go somewhere and they have valet parking, the valet person doesn’t know how to drive the car, and they don’t want to assume responsibility in case something g happens.
After my lease was up on my car, I made a decision to buy the car, and I’m very happy being able to drive where I want to go.


Very helpful information. Would it be too much to ask the brand name of your hand controls? I’ve been finding out about things in general but little on actual product names. Glad to hear it’s worked out for you.



Very helpful information. Would it be too much to ask the brand name of your hand controls? I’ve been finding out about things in general but little on actual product names. Glad to hear it’s worked out for you.


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I also meant to ask if you feel fatigued after walking, if able, a certain amount. Thanks again.


I have to take breaks to rest my legs. They can get so weak I can't walk or get up out of a chair. I've had Chronic Inflammatory Polyneuropathy diagnosed in 1916.


I have neuropathy and I can attest to the fact, that for some people, it does cause tiredness. Every day, along about one to two pm, I give in to it and have myself a lovely nap. It works for me and I don’t worry about losing sleep at night from it. Your body heals when it is resting so that’s how I justify my afternoon naps! Hope you feel better when you read this! Hugs and all the best.

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Me too. I take my daily nap at 3 pm. It helps me be able to cook dinner and now even helps me remember to take my 2nd dose of gabapentin and oxycodone which I take when I get up. Even if you do not go to sleep it takes pressure off my legs.


Me too. I take my daily nap at 3 pm. It helps me be able to cook dinner and now even helps me remember to take my 2nd dose of gabapentin and oxycodone which I take when I get up. Even if you do not go to sleep it takes pressure off my legs.

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Thanks! I'm not on gabapentin. I'm very cautious about adding anything else to all the drugs I'm already taking.


Thanks! I'm not on gabapentin. I'm very cautious about adding anything else to all the drugs I'm already taking.

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i also would be leery of adding medicine. I have had chronic pain for 28 years so lots of medicine. I really don't like to add medicine neither. I will say I think the gabapentin has helped me but a lot of people do not think it has been beneficial to them. Best wishes to you.



Sorry you’re going through yet another sign that neuropathy is affecting your daily living. If your foot is slipping off the brake when the car is idling at a stop sign, and you’re worried you won’t be able to drive anymore because of this, you might consider a car with the capability of staying stopped without having to keep your foot on the brake. My Honda has a button called “Brake Hold”. I personally never use it but it’s there to let you take your foot off the brake while waiting for a red light or stopped traffic. I don’t know how old your car is or if you have finances to trade in your car and get a Honda (or another brand that offers this feature), but I just wanted to throw this out there for you.

As far as the medical papers for the DMV, speak to your doctor to see what your options are to keep your independence as long as possible.

Wishing you and everyone here the best as we all battle this horrible condition.


I’m in California and I wouldn’t report it. I had seizures and doctors are required to report any lapse of consciousness.
If you somehow improve getting your license back, can be a major hassle. The safety officers already have their mind made up as soon as you walk in the door it very rarely matters what you have to say unless by some miracle you get an officer who understands your condition which happened to me once. I had a focal seizure and nearly hit a car but stopped in time and went to my Neuro. He said he wasn’t going to report it and to quote him he said “I know how DMV” can be. Had he reported that my license would’ve been yanked for one year, at least. If you don't feel safe driving but you may encounter lots of grief if you report it.
Take care,


Very helpful information. Would it be too much to ask the brand name of your hand controls? I’ve been finding out about things in general but little on actual product names. Glad to hear it’s worked out for you.


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My hand control system is the Veigel Compact ll Commander with secondary function:
Right and left turn signals,horn and Steering knob at 8 o’clock position, plus Veigel removable Accelerator and Brake Guard.

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