Does anyone have RA and Psoriasis? If so, how are you been treated fo?

Posted by eleazarandroxy @eleazarandroxy, 6 days ago

I am a psoriasis sufferer for many years and have been taken Methotrexate-6 pills every week. About 10 years ago I was also diagnosed with RA and finally found relief with Orencia.
Currently, my psoriasis is really bad, and my rheumatologist and dermatologist are trying to agree on a medicine that will treat both of them. Any advice?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.

Triamcinolone cream is what they have me using


@eleanzarandrotsky. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I’m so glad you found this site. While we wait for members to join the conversation, I suggest that you go to the RA discussion group and the Skin Health Group. This group is for RA and started awhile ago but continues today.
The second link goes to a podcast done some years ago
Have you thought about getting in touch with a rheumatologist or dermatologist at a major medical center or university teaching hospital? They may have an answer for you.


Have your doctors ruled out psoriatic arthritis? It's a distinct but related disease to both psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis, and it can present first with arthritis symptoms.

I have seronegative rheumatoid arthritis plus various skin conditions that I believe are psoriatic-like or pre-psoriasis. I'm on Plaquenil, methotrexate, and Enbrel with triamcinolone for skin flares. I started on the plaquenil, but the symptoms broke through so my rheumatologist added methotrexate, and then again added Enbrel.

Maybe it's time to ask your doctors about the biologics. For example, Enbrel is approved for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis (plus two other conditions). The other agents also have approvals for these and related diseases.

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