Does anyone have macrocytic anemia?

Posted by katya12 (Greg) @katya12, Dec 25, 2023

I have been diagnosed with macrocytic anemia not caused by a vitamin B12 or Folate deficiency. My RBC and platelets are low, and my MCH and MPV are high. I have had many tests, and my doctor still doesn't know what is causing the macrocytic anemia.

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Hi @katya12. There are a number of members in Connect who also have been diagnosed with Macrocytic Anemia in quite a few different discussions so I’m not sure what the conditions are behind their cause for having the blood disorder.
If you’d like to read through some of the conversations type Macrocytic Anemia in the search bar and you see the threads listed.

I’m also posting a helpful link to information about Macrocytic anemia:

You mentioned having several tests run. Did these include a liver and/or thyroid panel? Are you on any treatments for the anemia?


Hi @katya12. There are a number of members in Connect who also have been diagnosed with Macrocytic Anemia in quite a few different discussions so I’m not sure what the conditions are behind their cause for having the blood disorder.
If you’d like to read through some of the conversations type Macrocytic Anemia in the search bar and you see the threads listed.

I’m also posting a helpful link to information about Macrocytic anemia:

You mentioned having several tests run. Did these include a liver and/or thyroid panel? Are you on any treatments for the anemia?

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Thank you, Lori, for the information. I will look at the threads and the link you provided. My doctor has run a myriad of tests, and she still cannot determine the cause of my macrocytic anemia.


Thank you, Lori, for the information. I will look at the threads and the link you provided. My doctor has run a myriad of tests, and she still cannot determine the cause of my macrocytic anemia.

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As I found out from my own medical odyssey, our bodies/blood are incredibly complex. Finding answers to some of our health issues can be equally complex. Hopefully you find an answer soon. Are you working with a hematologist?


I am in the same situation as Greg above. No B12 or Folate deficiency, and same blood panel results. A hematologist at Mayo ordered a bone marrow biopsy, but that too revealed no reason for the anemia. So I'm left without any apparent answers and considerable fatigue.

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