Does anyone have MAC & Aspergillus Nidulans lung infections?

Posted by sl63 @sl63, Jun 11 7:16pm

I have both MAC and Aspergillus Nidulans lung infections. I was diagnosed about 6 months ago, but they think I’ve had it for years, because of the number of nodules, I guess. My ID Dr. wants to treat the MAC first, he says he thinks it’s causing more damage, but won’t explain how he came to that conclusion. I haven’t started treatment yet because I’m terrified of the medication side affects and because I don’t know which one to treat first for sure. Does anyone else have both, and which did u treat first?

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I have both MAC and Aspergillus. I have started Cresemba for the aspergillus and plan to start the Big 3 in a month or so. I think we started treating the aspergillus first since you only had to take one pill vs the 3 for MAC. I was doing GREAT with Cresemba but have recently started having chronic diarrhea (sorry if too much info!). I go back to my ID doc this week and will discuss with her about moving forward with the Big 3. I'd like to have another CT scan before we start so we can see if the Cresemba is improving anything.

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