Do you have calcium lumps with Forteo?

Posted by 06111945cc @06111945cc, Mar 3 12:06am

I’ve been on Forteo since December 2023.

Tonight I have pain in my right fourth toe. There’s a hard lump just below the nail bed.
My toe is throbbing.

Have you experienced lumps of calcium when taking Forteo?

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I took forteo several years ago and did not have this issue. Just wondering what your calcium intake is; amount from food and amount from supplementation. A friend of mine was on bisphosphonates and she was heavily supplementing her calcium. She developed nodules on her fingers as a result. She reduced her calcium supplementation and it resolved. Best to get your calcium from food sources if you can and to supplement minimally to meet the 1200 mg. I remember once having a high urine calcium level and my doctor recommended that I cut back on my calcium to 800-900 mg. It would be a good idea to discuss your calcium levels with your doctor to see if there is a correlation with the nodules.


Hi teb,

I don’t take a calcium supplement.

I drink a lot of milk

I guess I drank too much.



I'm surprised that you have osteoporosis when drinking a lot of milk. My endo said that his patients who drink a lot of milk have good bones. After he said that I decided to start drinking Kefir to help my bones.


Hi fowler,,

It’s a mystery why I have osteoporosis.

I’ve never smoked or drank. I’ve been active. I took yoga. I went to the Y and participated in the group exercises where you jumped up and down the music.

I do have hypothyroidism. And I quit menstruating at 38.

I’ve never drunk carbonated beverages. I always preferred milk.

Who knows why we get osteoporosis.


Hi fowler,,

It’s a mystery why I have osteoporosis.

I’ve never smoked or drank. I’ve been active. I took yoga. I went to the Y and participated in the group exercises where you jumped up and down the music.

I do have hypothyroidism. And I quit menstruating at 38.

I’ve never drunk carbonated beverages. I always preferred milk.

Who knows why we get osteoporosis.

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I believe hypothythroidism could slow down bone production and certainly early menopause where there's a loss of estrogen. Unless of course you went on HRT at that time to maintain the estrogen. But none of this explains the hard lumps, which I can't imagine are due to drinking milk but who knows??


@06111945cc I also have hypothyroidism and wonder why my osteoporosis is so bad. I also am very petite and was underweight for a long time. I was very active physically until the fractures got in the way. I asked my endo about cutting back on my Levothyroxine to increase Estrogen and help my bones. He said I wasn't going to get any. I keep thinking that Estrogen is the answer and may use that after I am done taking Tymlos.


teb, these small lumps, deposits of calcium are listed as a possible side effect of Forteo. You might not notice if it weren't under the nail. It could, though, be something else. You might get it checked by a podiatrist.


@06111945cc I also have hypothyroidism and wonder why my osteoporosis is so bad. I also am very petite and was underweight for a long time. I was very active physically until the fractures got in the way. I asked my endo about cutting back on my Levothyroxine to increase Estrogen and help my bones. He said I wasn't going to get any. I keep thinking that Estrogen is the answer and may use that after I am done taking Tymlos.

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Hi fowler,

As an aside; I don’t take Levothyroxine.

Levothyroxine made my legs swell.

The doctor said the solution was for me to wear those heavyweight support stockings.

I did that for years.

Then I finally read about natural desiccated thyroid and decided to try it.

It’s been much better for me I don’t have any problems with my legs now from the natural desiccated thyroid.



Thanks @06111945cc. I think I started on that many years ago and my endocrinologist got all bent out of shape saying it was not good. I have been on Levothyroxine ever since, and I do have to wear support stockings. Is the "natural desiccated thyroid" from a pigs thyroid? Is there a brand name? Or is it compounded?


Hi Fowler,

Np Thyroid is what I’m taking.
I usually buy a year’s supply at a time.
Natural desiccated thyroid manufacturers have in the past had some issues with the product uniformity.
That’s one of the reasons why I get a year’s supply.
Then I can be sure that it comes from only one batch.


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