Do you have an inspiring or favorite quote to share?

Posted by Zebra @californiazebra, Jun 21, 2023

I'll start with three quotes from the very inspiring Helen Keller as noted in "Your Year of Healing" book by Amit Sood, MD:

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

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"In life there are no rewinds, only flashbacks. Make sure it's all worth it."


“It’s all good fun, unless you weaken!”


"In order to be remembered, leave nothing behind but love." Unknown

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by Maya Angelou [sp>]
I love this


A standby for me, "THIS TOO SHALL PASS", whether it be good, or bad, or in between!
The Serenity Prayer, "God, grant me the SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE, the COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS I CAN, and the WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE" I grew up in Alateens, a division of Alcoholics Anonymous, for teen children of alcoholics. I am still working on it, at 77 yo!
Everyone has shared some great stuff!


“...advocacte for respect of personal dignity, justice and peace.”
Dr Philip Zimbardo


All that glitters is not gold


What you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabout


Love many; trust few; always paddle your own canoe


"Live in the moment."

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