Dismissing doctors: How do you find a doctor who can help?

Posted by mahenoor108 @mahenoor108, Mar 28, 2022

I have had chronic pain since 10 plus years, I’m 34 now a mother to a 4 year old and life is getting harder day by day
Ana titer positive
D dimer high
All autoimmune panels negative
No other signs of inflammation
But when doctors examine they can feel the muscles are stiff, contracted, rigid.
They think it’s fibromyalgia but nothing has helped me. Since the past 6 years I’ve been on different medicine, therapies everything.
Every other month a new symptom appears and now I don’t know what to do.
Left thigh is the oldest problem, I have sore rigid muscles and I don’t even know what relaxed muscles feel like.
Some doctors think it’s some autoimmune but are unsure.
My new symptoms in the last 2 months
Extreme anxiety/over eating a lot due to anxiety
Insomnia very recent cannot sleep at all
Contracted muscles/ rigid muscles all the time unintentionally I try to realease as soon as I realize they are contracted
Forgetfulness - forgotten a lot of important times of my school/college life
Brain fog
Sleep talking very recent
Pain in my left knee
As soon as I wake up an put my feet on the ground they feel extremely sore.
My neck is tilted to the left side all the time because of extreme pain
In the past I have had high crp
But not anymore.
Can someone please help me.
I can’t function most days

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Caution.................Caution...............Caution. My Cardiologist Physician Assistant suggested I take Eliquis for my AFib. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Do some research. When I saw you used the word "Eliquis" I had to jump in and try to help. Eliquis is a huge promoter on TV. Problem is.....................listen carefully....................once on it...................you cannot stop. If you do your doctor has to give you something else to take. Find other Doctor's and interview them. I have interviewed many, but you will learn a great deal from the interview. Here is the kicker.....................they do not tell you that if you stop........................you could have BRAIN HEMMORAGE !!!! Do not chance that to happen. Protect your brain. Many Doctor's should not hand out Eliquis like candy. People die. Judy G.

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@dance4life, it sounds like you had a poor experience with Eliquis (apixaban). If so, I can understand why you would vehemently warn against the drug.

For some people, apixaban may be a good option. In deciding to use a medicine, the risks of taking the medicine must be weighed against the good it will do. This is a decision you and your doctor will make. For apixaban, Mayo Clinic outlines things that should be considered in this article: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/apixaban-oral-route/before-using/drg-20060729


Caution.................Caution...............Caution. My Cardiologist Physician Assistant suggested I take Eliquis for my AFib. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Do some research. When I saw you used the word "Eliquis" I had to jump in and try to help. Eliquis is a huge promoter on TV. Problem is.....................listen carefully....................once on it...................you cannot stop. If you do your doctor has to give you something else to take. Find other Doctor's and interview them. I have interviewed many, but you will learn a great deal from the interview. Here is the kicker.....................they do not tell you that if you stop........................you could have BRAIN HEMMORAGE !!!! Do not chance that to happen. Protect your brain. Many Doctor's should not hand out Eliquis like candy. People die. Judy G.

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I have to say that a friend is doing well on Eliquis after having extreme mobility issues and leg pain from Xarelto and being advised not to take wayfarin by his cardiologist. I'm extremely cautious about medicines, and check FAERS and other information about risks, but for those who are risk of further DVTs as my friend is, the issue becomes balancing the relative risks. Not taking any blood thinner would put him at further risk and there are only those few choices.

Some health conditions allow narrow choices and one just has to research carefully, pick a med, pay close attention to any signs of trouble with it...but it's still better than doing nothing. As to stopping Eliquis, that's not what we've seen but there are many drugs that one cannot stop without risk including insulin. That is, the health condition isn't corrected and eliminated, yet alone cured, by the meds, it's just 'treated.'


I have to say that a friend is doing well on Eliquis after having extreme mobility issues and leg pain from Xarelto and being advised not to take wayfarin by his cardiologist. I'm extremely cautious about medicines, and check FAERS and other information about risks, but for those who are risk of further DVTs as my friend is, the issue becomes balancing the relative risks. Not taking any blood thinner would put him at further risk and there are only those few choices.

Some health conditions allow narrow choices and one just has to research carefully, pick a med, pay close attention to any signs of trouble with it...but it's still better than doing nothing. As to stopping Eliquis, that's not what we've seen but there are many drugs that one cannot stop without risk including insulin. That is, the health condition isn't corrected and eliminated, yet alone cured, by the meds, it's just 'treated.'

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A month ago I joined this site, but not after viewing a few commentary remarks and stories of what individuals are put through in their daily lives in combination of the medications and Doctor's, Physician Assistants we meet along the way. I knew I needed help since as a Senior I am meeting road blocks that could take me down. I needed help. I contacted many Universities and Community Colleges in relation to the field of "Assistants". It is not a safe zone. Assistant's make many mistakes. One has to take notes and try to remember. Report then to the Nurse or have her contact your Doctor. My experiences are that of a role called "Watchdog". Who else to protect us ?? The National population is growing and growing and soon, maybe even our ER calls won't be answered for the numbers needing medical help will be HUGE. My concern over Eliquis was a situation that occurred with me. I am only trying to help those who can't think of what to do next or do not do enough research. My major in college was Journalism and one had to always be on their toes. "Seek and you shall find" was the placard in our office. Every individual has a different case in hand. What works for some works for others or doesn't work for others. I am not one to instruct or manage one's life. I leave that up to the Doctor's. I merely am citing an incident that I could have fallen into a deep dark well of despair. My story was of a Physician Assistant in his 20's who was giving me a powerful medication and a Z Patch to wear (on my chest) to monitor my A Fib eruptions in 2021. My Cardiologist agreed that the Z Patch FIRST, then the Eliquis SECOND. Warfarin has had its news findings and some people had to stop taking that too. Till this day I am not taking Eliquis (per my Doctor). I am in the middle zone of A Fib signals. The research proved that you cannot stop one powerful drug without coverage of another one to slide in. Many links revealed "Brain Hemorrhage". Once again, not all cases are the same. A person's body composition reacts in different absorption of medicines. Of course you can't do nothing. Once we are termed "treated", our lives take on different feelings, pain difficulties, realizing it is important for our lives to be corrected and to move on in peace.


I have to say that a friend is doing well on Eliquis after having extreme mobility issues and leg pain from Xarelto and being advised not to take wayfarin by his cardiologist. I'm extremely cautious about medicines, and check FAERS and other information about risks, but for those who are risk of further DVTs as my friend is, the issue becomes balancing the relative risks. Not taking any blood thinner would put him at further risk and there are only those few choices.

Some health conditions allow narrow choices and one just has to research carefully, pick a med, pay close attention to any signs of trouble with it...but it's still better than doing nothing. As to stopping Eliquis, that's not what we've seen but there are many drugs that one cannot stop without risk including insulin. That is, the health condition isn't corrected and eliminated, yet alone cured, by the meds, it's just 'treated.'

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Added note....................How a Doctor treats you is what one needs to evaluate and to never miss a step in what our feelings are telling us afterwards.


Caution.................Caution...............Caution. My Cardiologist Physician Assistant suggested I take Eliquis for my AFib. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Do some research. When I saw you used the word "Eliquis" I had to jump in and try to help. Eliquis is a huge promoter on TV. Problem is.....................listen carefully....................once on it...................you cannot stop. If you do your doctor has to give you something else to take. Find other Doctor's and interview them. I have interviewed many, but you will learn a great deal from the interview. Here is the kicker.....................they do not tell you that if you stop........................you could have BRAIN HEMMORAGE !!!! Do not chance that to happen. Protect your brain. Many Doctor's should not hand out Eliquis like candy. People die. Judy G.

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I believe that when you stop any blood thinner, there is more of a risk of hemorrhage, at first. My mother is on Coumadin and I not only read this, but she had a stroke when off for 5 days for a procedure,

Many people who go on an anticoagulant DO need them forever, so this risk is not a problem for them. If they need to go off for a procedure, docs use short acting anticoagulants (Luvenox for instance) to keep them safer. (They failed to do this with my mother.)

That said, I also have the opinion that anticoagulants are prescribed too often. You said in another thread that monitoring showed you had a "medium" problem. I don't know what that means but am glad you are able to avoid blood-thinners for now.


I believe that when you stop any blood thinner, there is more of a risk of hemorrhage, at first. My mother is on Coumadin and I not only read this, but she had a stroke when off for 5 days for a procedure,

Many people who go on an anticoagulant DO need them forever, so this risk is not a problem for them. If they need to go off for a procedure, docs use short acting anticoagulants (Luvenox for instance) to keep them safer. (They failed to do this with my mother.)

That said, I also have the opinion that anticoagulants are prescribed too often. You said in another thread that monitoring showed you had a "medium" problem. I don't know what that means but am glad you are able to avoid blood-thinners for now.

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Hi. Thank you for your response since I am learning every week about how to take care of yourself in one's Senior years. I only, only want to help others since I have experienced many mishaps in the hands of Doctor's since 2014. Medium Scale was a graph shown me when I went into see my Cardiologist last December, 2021. The Z Patch (ZIO xt) is an adhesive stuck to your chest near the heart to check how often your A Fib kicks off. Mystery was when I made the appointment with my Cardiologist , when I arrived the staff said he was not there, but his Physician Assistant will see you. I felt cheated since I would not have made the 15 mile trip to see a PA (do not trust them). The PA said I need to go on Eliquis (controls strokes and a new pill on the market) . He also ordered a Zio xt patch. The Eliquis was for a 90 day supply. I wasn't happy with Designer Drugs. Big Pharma sends Doctor's and PA's to Hawaii for a one week stay in appreciation. I wore the Patch on my chest for 2 weeks. The staff called and said I do not have to go for 30 days, but did I pick up my pills for Eliquis. I said.........no. When my Doctor saw me, he said he was not out of the office for 2 wks. Why then should the staff move me over to a PA ?? I told my, Cardiologist, about the PA. He was silent. He asked me if I picked up the pills ? I said "no". He did not put me on Eliquis since he felt the graph showed no high concern for the A Fib. I then would have been taking a powerful drug for nothing. Upon research, indicated to go off this could lead (only could lead) to brain hemorrhage. Does anyone want that ??? I wish I had the time to tell you about my MRI stories, but I don't. Some Doctor's are handing out MRI's like candy. Two MRI's within a 2 mo. period. One for the head and one from the neck down. Since I developed Tinnitus April 6, 2021, I did not want to jeopardize my hearing since I was already tested by an Audiologist last year. Hearing is good. Horrendous !!!! I am terrified of my next medical procedure. Thank you for your response and now you know what a Zio xt is. Prayers to your mother.


Hi. Thank you for your response since I am learning every week about how to take care of yourself in one's Senior years. I only, only want to help others since I have experienced many mishaps in the hands of Doctor's since 2014. Medium Scale was a graph shown me when I went into see my Cardiologist last December, 2021. The Z Patch (ZIO xt) is an adhesive stuck to your chest near the heart to check how often your A Fib kicks off. Mystery was when I made the appointment with my Cardiologist , when I arrived the staff said he was not there, but his Physician Assistant will see you. I felt cheated since I would not have made the 15 mile trip to see a PA (do not trust them). The PA said I need to go on Eliquis (controls strokes and a new pill on the market) . He also ordered a Zio xt patch. The Eliquis was for a 90 day supply. I wasn't happy with Designer Drugs. Big Pharma sends Doctor's and PA's to Hawaii for a one week stay in appreciation. I wore the Patch on my chest for 2 weeks. The staff called and said I do not have to go for 30 days, but did I pick up my pills for Eliquis. I said.........no. When my Doctor saw me, he said he was not out of the office for 2 wks. Why then should the staff move me over to a PA ?? I told my, Cardiologist, about the PA. He was silent. He asked me if I picked up the pills ? I said "no". He did not put me on Eliquis since he felt the graph showed no high concern for the A Fib. I then would have been taking a powerful drug for nothing. Upon research, indicated to go off this could lead (only could lead) to brain hemorrhage. Does anyone want that ??? I wish I had the time to tell you about my MRI stories, but I don't. Some Doctor's are handing out MRI's like candy. Two MRI's within a 2 mo. period. One for the head and one from the neck down. Since I developed Tinnitus April 6, 2021, I did not want to jeopardize my hearing since I was already tested by an Audiologist last year. Hearing is good. Horrendous !!!! I am terrified of my next medical procedure. Thank you for your response and now you know what a Zio xt is. Prayers to your mother.

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I also have afib, but once a year. I declined anti-coagulants and the "chart" changed to support that decision (CHADS2 scores). Mine was so infrequent. But many do need them. Happy for you that you don't.

What did your Z patch show?


Hello Again:
My A Fib is infrequent as well. Can you imagine what I would have gone through had I filled my 90 day supply of Eliquis ?? Not cheap as well. My Circadian Rhythm would have been way off and adjustments from my General Practitioner would enter into my yearly intake of meds. I only take Thyroid pills 88mg, Premarin, Estrogen 0,9 mg. I really shy away from Big Pharma.


I also have afib, but once a year. I declined anti-coagulants and the "chart" changed to support that decision (CHADS2 scores). Mine was so infrequent. But many do need them. Happy for you that you don't.

What did your Z patch show?

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I indicated on my prior email that the Zio x showed a mid range level. Not to worry from this my Cardiologist said. It's high level on the graph that would concern him.


Ok. I'll try. You came in on my site and I am in partial experiencing what you are having now. First hand I see so much going on with you and I would not give up on finding a solution. Never give up. Have you heard of Stem Cell replacement ?? Tony Richards the motivational speaker, nationwide presenter, had this done and he swears by it. Your insurance may not cover it ?? He had difficulty moving about. Was focused on his legs and spine. Check online as to what he did to improve his life and his speaking presentations. Other than that...............this is something that is based on Neuropathy, perhaps ?? Many Doctor's would like to view your dilemma. Hope you have adequate insurance ?? Don't go into a hole on expenses. My feet sometimes lack feeling. Have toe fungus from working in the garden for 25 yrs.. Fungus can inhibit walking. I do my own toenail clippings in order to wear shoes. Had a Spinal Tap in Chicago as a Jr. teen. Found nothing for me to worry about. Had a bad fall in December, 2019. Over waxed floor in a restaurant and I did the splits. Never have my legs done that. Was not wearing heels, but 1 in. heel sole. Turns out a injured "ham string". Pelvic bone moved out of socket as well. Many football players have ham string tears. Because I have arthritis, this recent injury has come back to limit my painless walking, stooping, kneeling or simply trying to stand after down on the ground. I have learned to do a spider lift by moving my hands to prop me up closer to my feet (hence a spider formation). Takes a lot of strength in one's arms to lift your body up. Painful, yet I dread falling flat on the ground. If you are gaining more weight..................this does not help at all. You need a lot of strength to get your body to cooperate. Extra pounds makes that difficult. Crawl towards a door frame, chair. object hard enough to carry you to an upright position.

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