Sharing Mayo Clinic Connect with other support groups

Posted by kateia @kateia, Aug 3, 2017

Do you have to be a patient at Mayo or can anyone join in to Mayo Clinic Connect. I am beginning care giving support within our Zone churches and would like to use it as a reference to give to people. Do you have to be a patient at Mayo to get the services provided? Are there simple instructions on how to connect if you are not a patient?

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Hello @kateia, you do not have to be a patient at Mayo to join in to Mayo Connect. I have attached a Mayo Connect flyer that you can print out and give to people. Thank you for sharing Mayo Connect - it's a great place for people looking for health issue information in a safe patient to patient group. They should feel free to share their story, ask questions, and read what others with similar health concerns have done or learned that has helped them.


Shared files

MAYO-169927_Connect-HowTo_FINAL (MAYO-169927_Connect-HowTo_FINAL.pdf)


H @kateia I'm Scott and we are open to anyone at all! Mayo provides the infrastructure for Connect, but it is wide open for sharing with anyone!

Welcome --- I found Connect when I was very isolated as a fulltime caregiver for my wife and was looking for some support for and from fellow caregivers.

I look forward to hearing more about your decision to begin such a great group on your home turf!

Strength & Courage to you!


Thank you!! Mayo Clinic Connect has an awesome network and I'm looking forward to sharing it with the people that I meet. Thanks for the information!!


Hi @kateia How is your support group coming along? Would love to hear how you are doing.


It's moving a lot more slowly than I'd planned. Been busy with caring for my mother-in-law plus getting into the harvest season. I have 4 caregivers signed up and am working on an information packet for them. Will meet with each one individually and will soon hold "Powerful Tools For Caregivers Classes" with them. Thanks for asking.

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