Discontinuing psychiatric medication

Posted by trigirl64 @trigirl64, Mar 25, 2022

I have bipolar 2 disorder and have been very stable for many years. I would like to try to taper the dosage of two of my medications. I'm wondering which to do first - Seroquel or Trazadone.? I am on Cipralex 15mg; trazodone 150 mg at bedtime and Seroquel 50 mg at bedtime.

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Have you previously attempted to taper yourself off your meds? It makes sense to wish to be off meds such as these now that you have been stable for a long period. My concern is you are doing this without the advice of the prescribing physicians or your support team, which is not a very good idea. You should at least consult with your mental health treatment team so you have an outside view of your mental health so you can more safely taper off the meds without any repercussions.

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I have previously tapered off of Clonazepam and Immovane with MD supervision. I was also able to lower my antipsychotic medication dosage. That was about 7 years ago. I will definitely check with my mental health team before I do anything. Thank you for your support.


Have you considered CBD oil to replace your prescription meds? I know that here in PA depression is one of the listed treatments for medical marijuana. And you can obtain CBD oil OTC at many stores and sold online too. If you do online look for quality not best price. You may wish to checkout some chat rooms for discussions on this topic too. I have a very close friend who went off his antidepressant and anti anxiety meds after starting CBD. Good luck and be safe.


Have you considered CBD oil to replace your prescription meds? I know that here in PA depression is one of the listed treatments for medical marijuana. And you can obtain CBD oil OTC at many stores and sold online too. If you do online look for quality not best price. You may wish to checkout some chat rooms for discussions on this topic too. I have a very close friend who went off his antidepressant and anti anxiety meds after starting CBD. Good luck and be safe.

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I haven't tried this but I will definitely look into it. Thank you for suggesting it.


In my past I was a psychiatric nurse and gave meds to both IP and OP treatment programs. These drugs have crappy side effects but are effected to a point. I wish you luck.

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