Dilaudid for pancreatic attacks.

Posted by crickard70 @crickard70, Oct 2, 2023

I have constant stomach pain, have been cancer free for 2 1/2 years. My pain doctor gave me Dilaudid for pain and wondering if anyone else takes it. I am a little nervous starting, but the pain is unbearable. Also had my CA-19 go from 222 to 699. Thank you

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I have tried pretty much every prescription pain medicine (Including a high dose of dilaudid) with little or no success. I highly recommend getting a celiac plexus block if you haven't had it done as well as medical marijuana (Tinctures and edibles). I had constant abdominal pain that was a 10 out of 10 before the block, so I completely understand what you're going through right now. I hope that you find relief.


I have tried pretty much every prescription pain medicine (Including a high dose of dilaudid) with little or no success. I highly recommend getting a celiac plexus block if you haven't had it done as well as medical marijuana (Tinctures and edibles). I had constant abdominal pain that was a 10 out of 10 before the block, so I completely understand what you're going through right now. I hope that you find relief.

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Did you have the block and how are the results? I have stomach pain and right side pain. Thank you this might be the answer and what kind of dr does the procedure? Thank you again


The celiac plexus block worked for my husband! He has had no more pain whatsoever after about two weeks after the procedure.


my boyfriend took it .. It's very strong but helps so much with the pain... I hope the best for you..debbie


my boyfriend took it .. It's very strong but helps so much with the pain... I hope the best for you..debbie

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IV dilaudid was the only thing that helped my husband's pain, oral dilaudid did not. Sadly, that is why he had to enter hospice, since we couldn't administer it this way (ourselves) at home - always had to go to the ER for the infusion.


IV dilaudid was the only thing that helped my husband's pain, oral dilaudid did not. Sadly, that is why he had to enter hospice, since we couldn't administer it this way (ourselves) at home - always had to go to the ER for the infusion.

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hey , He was hospice too.. he had the pump on him.. we loved hospice it was wonderful to us we had nathal Addison but I can tell you this much pancreatic cancer is like someone's dabbing him in the stomach all the time so it's better that you're in hospice now If you didn't want to talk just text me back thank you I hope the best for you


Is the stomach pain a result of the Whipple procedure?


Is the stomach pain a result of the Whipple procedure?

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Yes I believe so and understand is common and Ceron is hard on stomach


If your CA19-9 is climbing, there is likely something going on. A scan may be able to tell, but it took about 8 months before anything was visible on a scan for me. My cancer had recurred and I am back on chemo and about to switch to radiation. Pain is not a good sign - please have your dr check things out thoroughly! Wishing you all the best!

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