Did PAXLOVID also relieve your arthritis and autoimmune symptoms?

Posted by annewoodmayo @annewoodmayo, Jul 15, 2023

Hi, everyone

I have been diagnosed with autoimmune diseases.
The diagnoses have changed over time (lupus, not lupus, spondyloarthropathy, akylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, Raynaud's, Sjorgren and maybe others that I have forgotten... sorry about the spelling).

When I took Paxlovid for Covid, many of my symptoms disappeared or were significantly reduced.

Has this happened to anyone else?

I'm thinking that perhaps my autoimmune disease is somehow based on a VIRUS, since paxlovid is an anti-viral and it was like a miracle cure for my symptoms.

I told my rheumatologist about it, but I couldn't get her to focus on the logical connection between the anti-viral (paxlovid) and the reduction in my symptoms. It was very frustrating. I actually cried in my car after the appointment.

I think this could be a game-changing piece of evidence in my medical treatment and diagnosis. And maybe for other autoimmune disease sufferers, too! But I don't know where to turn with this evidence.

What do you think I should do? What doctor should I go to?
My primary care doctor probably won't offer anything; he never intervenes in my rheumatological care.

Please let me know if you had the same experience: an anti-viral medication (paxlovid or another one) reduced your autoimmune/arthritis symptoms.

I searched around online, and it was hard to find and hard to understand information there. In the CDC's PubMed, I found one source that indicates the possibility that immune suppressing medications can reactivate the Epstein Barr virus in some patients. Epstein Barr causes fatigue, among other symptoms, but fatigue is one of my worst symptoms.


Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


I’m amazed that the Paxlovid worked for your autoimmune symptoms. I’m happy for you! I’m wondering if anyone has experienced loss of taste and smell during Covid. I had Covid in December of 2022 and still to this date have not gotten it back. Has anyone done acupuncture for this and if so, did it work? I’m in the process of finding an acupuncturist for this reason. Thanks for your input.

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Yes, lost taste!! But it was back after about 4-5 days post Paxlovid. Hurray.. could taste chocolate again!!!


Yes!!!!! Been suffering with undetermined autoimmune symptoms for 14 years. Doctors can’t figure it out. I’m 57. On Paxlovid, I go from feeling 90 to feeling 30 years old. It has changed my life. When I’m having a flair my doc gets me Paxlovid & I’m better within hours. I’ve notified NIH and they told me there are studies about this. I know of one other person who has multiple autoimmune diseases including MS & she’s now on a daily prescription of Paxlovid!


I got Covid and was put on Paxlovid due to my high risk status. I have Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes and several other autoimmune. I noticed it most in my left hip/buttock pain. I suffered for over a year. And could barely put any weight on my left leg. I got shots and was even prescribed Oxicodone. Nothing helped. The Paxlovid GREATLY diminished it. I still have other arthritis pain.. and the hip/buttock pain is not completely gone......but OH SO MUCH BETTER. My son found this thread. I was so happy to see it! I'm seeing a New Rheumatologist next month....I will run this by her and see what she says.

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Update... 12 days after Paxlovid was stopped....pain is back.


Yes!!!!! Been suffering with undetermined autoimmune symptoms for 14 years. Doctors can’t figure it out. I’m 57. On Paxlovid, I go from feeling 90 to feeling 30 years old. It has changed my life. When I’m having a flair my doc gets me Paxlovid & I’m better within hours. I’ve notified NIH and they told me there are studies about this. I know of one other person who has multiple autoimmune diseases including MS & she’s now on a daily prescription of Paxlovid!

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Hi Alette3939,

wow! None of my docs will prescribe Paxlovid for me, now that I don't have Covid. I am thrilled for you!

How did you contact the NIH?

Thanks very much for responding. When Paxlovid made me feel better, I thought maybe I was crazy -- since that's how doctors made me feel for years about my autoimmune disease. It's good to know that others have had a similar result for a similar problem.

I started this thread in hopes of getting an idea of how many people have been helped by Paxlovid for auto immune diseases. Now that I know that there are other people, I don't know what to do with the information.

Another person who responded suggested that we contact the manufacturer, which I did. I emailed Pfizer. There is a contact email address on their website.

Thank you!


LDN is low dose naltrexone. My primary care physician in NYC called the prescription to Mayo Clinic pharmacy for me. It’s is an opioid antagonist used to treat opioid addictions. It appears to have an anti inflammatory effect when used at 1/10 th of the standard dose . You start at 1.5 mg for two weeks, then 4 mg for 2 weeks then the standard dose is 4.5 mg once daily. One of the mechanisms of long Covid is chronic inflammation. Other mechanism may include micro blood clots. mitochondrial oxidation issues and classic autoimmunity. An immunologist yesterday advised me to consider Paxlovid, aspirin, statin and prednisone 5 mg daily .

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Hi Radapanich,

A few more people have added to this thread in the last few days. I'm hoping to get updates from the early responders like you.

Did you start to take the daily Paxlovid? Good results?

Is your immunologist associated with a university or hospital? Many of us can't get doctors to prescribe the Paxlovid -- unless we have Covid now.

Thanks so much!


Update... 12 days after Paxlovid was stopped....pain is back.

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That stinks, sorry to hear it.

Are you going to ask your doctor about it? My doctors won't prescribe it without current Covid.

Another person suggested contacting the manufacturer of Paxlovid to let them know and ask for them to do something. I went to their website and there is an email address. I think Pzifer is the manufacturer.

Still another person contacted the NIH.

Best to you,


Yes, lost taste!! But it was back after about 4-5 days post Paxlovid. Hurray.. could taste chocolate again!!!

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Hi Jano,
Did you have an autoimmune disease before you went on Paxlovid? (Sorry if you told us before...I'm working backwards through the posts. Backwards is the best I can muster today.)

Hurray for the chocolate!! I'm really, sincerely happy for you. Life's little pleasures 🙂



Hi, everyone!

My mother always said that there is strength in numbers.

Would everyone who got help for their autoimmune disease/arthtritis from Paxlovid, please consider contacting the manufacturer? Their website is Pfizer.com. To let them know and to ask them to try to get it available for us?

Maybe if Pfizer knows how many people are benefiting, they can do something to (make some money on their product) help us. Many doctors won't prescribe it without active Covid.

Another person here suggested contacting the NIH (National Institutes of Health). I haven't done that myself yet, but I hope to hear more and do something.

THANKS for considering! ( I hope this post makes sense to you! : )


I found this sight after searching, because I got tested positive for covid in late august and took plaxovid . I am 73, and have a painful right knee, and I am getting knee replacement late October. Any way , 4 days after taking plaxovid I noticed my knee pain was practically gone . 6 days later I went for 2 mile walk. The next day went a 20 mile ride on my e-bike. Now after 30 days later my pain is back and I can’t wait to my have surgery. There is no doubt something in plaxovid relieved my pain. I couldn’t find any info except for this posting. Everything I searched only said that Covid can make your joint pain worse in the future.

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Hi Jazzho!

Did you tell the surgeon about the Paxlovid? Or your orthopedic doctor? If you did, can you tell us what they said?

Thank you!


Hi Alette3939,

wow! None of my docs will prescribe Paxlovid for me, now that I don't have Covid. I am thrilled for you!

How did you contact the NIH?

Thanks very much for responding. When Paxlovid made me feel better, I thought maybe I was crazy -- since that's how doctors made me feel for years about my autoimmune disease. It's good to know that others have had a similar result for a similar problem.

I started this thread in hopes of getting an idea of how many people have been helped by Paxlovid for auto immune diseases. Now that I know that there are other people, I don't know what to do with the information.

Another person who responded suggested that we contact the manufacturer, which I did. I emailed Pfizer. There is a contact email address on their website.

Thank you!

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I emailed Pfizer too! Great work. The more of us the better. Do a search for online doctors who will prescribe medication for COVID — that’s how I get it. Plus my OB gets it for me. I have a new rheumatologist who I think will prescribe it too. I’m not someone who takes medication lightly. I take ibuprofen maybe 3 times a year. But Paxlovid has been so life changing for me that I make sure I have it on hand when a flare comes upon me. I have yet to be officially diagnosed with a specific disorder. I get very ill if I accidentally ingest gluten but I’m not celiac. I have every Graves symptom but my thyroid is normal. I’ve been debilitatingly sick on & off for 15 years. I’ve always suspected it was autoimmune but no one could find anything “wrong” with me. I finally found a great doctor about a month ago & I’m undergoing extensive testing. As far as I’m concerned, I’d be happy taking Paxlovid forever. Right now I take about 2 days worth every couple of months and that seems to be working to keep my symptoms under control. This is entirely my own protocol. No doctor has recommended this. But it works for me. I should also say that I have no kidney or liver disease. Paxlovid is dangerous if you have kidney or liver issues. I researched ritonavir (in Paxlovid) and found that after HIV patients had been on daily ritonavir for about 7 years they experienced vision loss, so ritonavir is only a “booster” with antivirals now in much lower doses. For this reason, I believe it’s very safe at the levels I’m taking it. I’m so glad you emailed Pfizer. I begged them for a study. I also emailed multiple directors at NIH using their contact info on their website. I got a response back saying my experience is “intriguing” and they are “passing it around”. They told me there is a study at Stanford but when I contacted them I was told it was more of a long haul study. However, NIH did tell me they are looking into Paxlovid for autoimmune disease. I hope it doesn’t take years.

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