Dialysis: What type of dialysis are you on?
In all likelihood, my husband is going to have to go on dialysis soon. Are there any participants who are on dialysis and can share which type they're receiving, pros and cons? Our little place in AZ is very remote so traveling back and forth will not work - at least as far as I'm concerned. Currently in WI.
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Hi - I just pop in now and then, but it was so nice to see your name. You’re so knowledgeable that I’m sure you’ve thought of this, but do you have a particular problem with, adding protein powder to your food? All the best, Vicki.
@ldrlaw Thanks for popping in.
Update: Haven't been on dialysis for several years as was able to construct an appropriate renal diet.
With CKD you need to restrict protein so, no, protein powder isn't appropriate for me.
@ldrlaw I use a homemade shake to get my protein powder in. Use pea protein, not whey. Some blueberries or a banana, Greek yogurt, almond milk, scoop of protein powder. This works for me. My challenge is albumin levels every month. Once we go onto dialysis, protein is critical, as dialysis tends to deplete our system of that.