On Dialysis, Preparing for Living Donor Kidney Transplant

Posted by scstrickler @scstrickler, Jul 15, 2022

This may seem strange but after being a patient at a dialysis center I am now finally scheduled for a living donor kidney transplant next week.
Would gifting the center something be appropriate ?

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Congratulations on being able to have a kidney transplant from a living donor and what a life changing gift! You must be over the moon with gratitude!!

I think it’s entirely appropriate to gift a little something to the dialysis center where you’ve spent so many hours. These nurses and attendants become like family so it’s only natural to want to say ‘so long’ with a parting gift.
I’ve not had dialysis, but I spent the better part of a year, weekly, at an infusion center and when my treatments were finally over I brought in a large basket of goodies from my favorite chocolatier with a thank you note. The staff were very grateful and appreciative. I did the same for my transplant team, along with little special gift to my transplant doctor. It never hurts to show appreciation for people we care about or who have made impacts in our lives.
What did you have in mind?


@scstrickler Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. That's a great question, and how nice of you to think of your center like this.
Congratulations! I am wishing you all the best going forward with a living donor kidney transplant! Your dialysis center has been a big part of your life for whatever time you have been there, and it's natural to develop close ties to the people there.

As @loribmt said, "a little something" will be appreciated. And, once you are up and feeling good, don't forget to stop in if you can, to let them know how you are doing. Also, it will serve to let the center's patients there know that yes, they too can look forward to transplant at some point, and that it does happen. We all get down in the dumps, perhaps thinking it may never change. You'll be an inspiration for many, no doubt! And, a little something for your donor will be great to think about, also!


@scstrickler, how are you doing? It may still be too soon, but I look forward to hearing from you after your transplant. Thinking of you as you recover.

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