Diagnosed with sarcoma? Let's share

Because sarcomas are rare, I would like to start a conversation to help connect people living with sarcoma or caring for someone with sarcoma.

As you know, sarcoma is the general term for a broad group of cancers that begin in the bones and in the connective or soft tissues (soft tissue sarcoma). There are many different types and sub-types of sarcomas, for example: angiosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, fibrosarcoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), Kaposi's sarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, liposarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, osteosarcoma, pleomorphic sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, synovial sarcoma and more.

Let's get to know one another. Why not start by introducing yourself? What type of sarcoma have you been diagnosed with?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Sarcoma Support Group.


It's been just over a year since I finished treatment for Ewings Sarcoma and they said there was no evidence of disease. I'm still constantly anxious that it's going to come back. Especially since with my age group and location, the overall 5-year rate was relatively low with a significant chance of recurrence. I remember when they initially found it I could not stop overanalyzing and researching. I spent countless hours looking at studies and articles but all that did was make me more anxious. How do you deal with all the anxiety?

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I just want to sleep and drink my juice


Not sure if you’ve seen my earlier post but my Dad had a ‘benign’ skin tag removed from his back...13 months later has multiple lung metastasis and now diagnosed as sarcoma (UPS). He is currently undergoing Trabectadin chemo. Please make sure you ask for a CT scan to check your lungs (or PET scan even better). I don’t want to scare you but this is the exact misdiagnosis that my Dad had - told it was a benign atypical fibroxanthoma but it is UPS which comes with a much worse prognosis. They will argue it is very difficult to distinguish between the two but please go for follow up and I wish you all the very best

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Thank you for following up with me. I have been on the fence about it. I have been thinking about getting a 2nd opinion.


Anyone been diagnosed with "Low Grade Fibromyxoid Sarcoma"?


I have radiation induced Angiosarcoma of the breast. Surgery in 2019 and 2021. In March of 2023 it metastasized to the lung. It’s been stressful to say the least. Being a rare cancer, it’s been hard to connect with others with this type of cancer. I am currently taking paxitaxol, used for other cancers, but having sensitivities to it. The first one was severe and was very traumatizing. More Benadryl was given and things settled. Treatments 2,3,4 and 5 were all good but on the 6th one I had another reaction which was scary but less severe. The only difference with number 6 treatment was that the premeds were given in a different order.........hydrocortisone then dexomethazone. The other times the dexomethazone was first. Does anyone know if that can make a difference, Maybe to my body it does. I will see my Dr before next treatment, so that will definitely be part of our conversation. Just wondering about others with a sensitivity to paxlitaxol and their experiences, which I understand is common. Thank you for any input you may have. One day at a time.


I have radiation induced Angiosarcoma of the breast. Surgery in 2019 and 2021. In March of 2023 it metastasized to the lung. It’s been stressful to say the least. Being a rare cancer, it’s been hard to connect with others with this type of cancer. I am currently taking paxitaxol, used for other cancers, but having sensitivities to it. The first one was severe and was very traumatizing. More Benadryl was given and things settled. Treatments 2,3,4 and 5 were all good but on the 6th one I had another reaction which was scary but less severe. The only difference with number 6 treatment was that the premeds were given in a different order.........hydrocortisone then dexomethazone. The other times the dexomethazone was first. Does anyone know if that can make a difference, Maybe to my body it does. I will see my Dr before next treatment, so that will definitely be part of our conversation. Just wondering about others with a sensitivity to paxlitaxol and their experiences, which I understand is common. Thank you for any input you may have. One day at a time.

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My Dad is on Trabectadin for lung mets (spread from UPS on skin) they give him 20mins dexamethasone prior to the IV Trabectadin and then 2 days of dexamethasone tablets to follow (4 per day). He’s on pause at the mo die to low neutrophils but I’ll take a look at paxitaxol in case we need a different option so thanks for this - best of luck to you, you sound like you’ve been through tough times already so stay strong xx


I was dx with angiosarcoma in the skin on my left cheek in Fall of 2012. I had cancerous tissue removed and 30 radiation treatments in Jan. of 2013. I had no reoccurrence until this year. It showed up adjacent to where it was before but closer to my eye and nose. Surgery gave clear margins except near lacrimal duct. I will have more tissue in that area removed next. Reradiation is off the table and I am wondering is any places are using adjunct therapies in my situation. CT and MRI show no metastasis to any other area.

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I had Angiosarcoma on my upper chest, near collar bone, several years ago. No radiation or any kind of chemo, just surgery. I have had numerous cancers and a wide variety of type of cancers.
(Bad genes!) I never have had anything but surgery for all my cancers.
So far, it has not shown up again, but I am plagued by numerous skin cancers and another Melanoma. I am so sorry you are going thru such trauma, especially on your face, that's really tough. (My nose is starting to look like a boxer's!)
Stay tough.


I had Angiosarcoma on my upper chest, near collar bone, several years ago. No radiation or any kind of chemo, just surgery. I have had numerous cancers and a wide variety of type of cancers.
(Bad genes!) I never have had anything but surgery for all my cancers.
So far, it has not shown up again, but I am plagued by numerous skin cancers and another Melanoma. I am so sorry you are going thru such trauma, especially on your face, that's really tough. (My nose is starting to look like a boxer's!)
Stay tough.

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Thank you. Interesting, I have also had 3 other skin cancers on my face over the years. Only surgical removal for them.( They were very small and found early due to my diligent dermatologist.


My Dad is on Trabectadin for lung mets (spread from UPS on skin) they give him 20mins dexamethasone prior to the IV Trabectadin and then 2 days of dexamethasone tablets to follow (4 per day). He’s on pause at the mo die to low neutrophils but I’ll take a look at paxitaxol in case we need a different option so thanks for this - best of luck to you, you sound like you’ve been through tough times already so stay strong xx

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Best of luck to your dad, we can’t give up hope. Thankful for these sites where you have support from others experiencing similar circumstances. One day at a time!


Just checking again if anyone out there : Has a chondrosacroma in the base of the skull . My husband first had surgery 27 years ago for removal of the tumor and then recently it returned more aggressive and had surgery again . I am so sad that our lives have changed drastically. He already had radiation after the first time . Right now we have a six month check up and MRI in July with neurosurgeon . We had one telehealth visit with an oncologist. She ordered many scans , it’s overwhelming. Since the grade was a 2/3 this time , it’s much more scary . Anyone else have this experience?


Hello everyone! I’ve been trying to find a Sarcoma support group for years! So thank you @colleenyoung ! I was diagnosed with Low-Grade Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma following a Myomectomy in which the 15cm tumor had been manually morcellated in November 2019. In an attempt to coverup what the surgeon had done, they clinically staged me as 1B prior to the hysterectomy a month later, by which point my entire Uterus was tumor. 100% myometrial invasion. Standard protocol would be to Surgically Stage, yet this corrupt hospital network (the obgyn, pathology, oncology, records, “patient advocacy” office… all united to ensure that my own health information was kept from me) told me I was still 1B. It took me MONTHS to piece it all together. The day I did was the most terrifying day of my life, I’d say. To have this rare, aggressive cancer and feel more afraid of the doctors than I was of the cancer. I thought if they could be that devoid of ethics and morals AND seemingly VERY determined to hide their dirty laundry aka Me, my life was in danger from both the cancer AND physicians. I felt so violated, so dehumanized. We specifically agreed to do the surgery, abdominally, because of how important it was to remove it “en bloc”. He was supposed to remove the uterus if he couldn’t get it out in one piece. I was 40 and had never pined for children. Then, once I am unconscious, he decides that saving the uterus should be more important to me. Possibly, he figured I didn’t know my own mind. Possibly, I was a science experiment. Possibly, he’s a Sociopath. But what is scarier than what his motivations might’ve been, was, how quickly the cover-up began. That very day they knew. I now receive treatment at a cancer center about 2 hours away. I am working on the fear and distrust I have of Hospitals and physicians, but I feel forever changed by that experience. Other doctors, even at my new cancer center, would stick up for him, and say that because Sarcomas are so rare, slicing it into thin pieces with a scalpel was a mistake that any doctor could’ve made. These doctors had never met the man, who understand the concept of ‘Informed Consent’, I’d hope, would say this to me, compounding my trauma by making defensive comments for the man (and Hospital Network) who, as far as I was concerned, had violated my unconscious body as well as many Medical Codes of Ethics. It made no sense. It was terrifying to think that doctors across cities and states that have never even met, would unite against a patient. Has anyone else here had a Uterine Sarcoma morcellated? How were you treated/communicated with? Honesty and acknowledgement should be THE ONLY way Hospitals address Medical mistakes. I’d be a different person today if my humanity had been acknowledged…
So far, treatment-wise, I have had 3 surgeries, take Anastrozole 1mg daily, and get CT scans w/contrast every 3 months.

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