Diabetes: Anyone have experience using licorice to lower sugar?

Posted by mironch @mironch, Apr 7, 2020

Anyone have experience with Licorich in terms of lowering sugar indices?

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@mironch Welcome to the Mayo clinic connect .We try to help with our experience that we have . We aren't Dr,s but we have a lot of tools in our wellness box that helps us. Im not sure about licorice and blood sugar but I do know that cinnamon helps to regulate blood sugar . Im not a diabetic but put it in my coffee every morning as well as toast . Are you a diabetic or pre diabetic ? Others maybe joining with there knowledge about licorice . Please join our group here we are a caring group where you can vent , ask questions and give what helps you with your problem we share this information in hope it may help someone else . Take care be safe


Hi @mironch, a quick search on the internet reveals conflicting reports about the effects of licorice root on blood sugar and its use for people with diabetes. When looking for information online, be sure to note the date of the publication. It appears that articles published around 2012 touted the benefits of licorice. More recent studies are now disputing those claims. See this article for more information

- EndoBreak: Diabetes & Hypertension; Licorice Root Warning https://www.medpagetoday.com/endocrinology/generalendocrinology/67501

It would be best to discuss this with your endocrinologist. What form of licorice were you considering?


Thank you for the information I will read it. I would like to emphasize that searching the internet I have herd about a conversation with professor Rafi Carasso which is a well known doctor in Israel and to my surprise this conversation is about natural solution to diseases such as Cholesterol, Diabetes, Atherosclerosis and Heart disease. The revolutionary natural solution - Licorice plant. Unfortunately the conversation is in Hebrew. Never the less here is the link: https://youtu.be/cwzNLC-SgLo
Hope someone in your vicinity can translate it.

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