Depression/Anxiety symptoms

Posted by barb6060 @barb6060, Jan 28 7:26pm

I am having a hard time with the Brain Fog feeling with Anxiety and a little Depression. Started when my husband became sick with cancer and passed away in 2022. Now the brain fog symptom is so annoying. Not on any meds this time but cardiologist has me on Propanolol for the anxiety. I have no heart problems. It helps the physical symptoms but not the mind racing in the morning laying awake to start the day. What are your symptoms of this and how to shake the groggy head feelings. 🙁

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Are you describing your symptoms to your medical providers?

I do not have any experience with Propranolol. I take Escitalopram for anxiety/depression, and it works very well.

You mentioned brain fog. When I was taking Trazodone to help me sleep, I woke up every morning with brain fog.

How are you sleeping? Can have a dramatic effect on you including your symptoms of brain fog.

One of the things I had to address is the racing mine like yours. Do you have an exercise (doctor approved) that you like to do? How about a hobby? Doing those can really help your mind focus on exercise and hobbies versus mind racing.

I have posted many times when I read FDR history that he addressed his overwhelming anxiety and stress by working on his stamp collection almost every day. This removed his mind from the overwhelming stress of WWII.


Did you ever have COVID? The research is showing that COVID is such a systemic illness. Even people who had very mild cases of COVID have developed long covid. Brain Fog that doesn't go away is a symptom of Long Covid. Its can be similar to Lime disease.

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