"Dents" in leg muscles

Posted by rubie @rubie, Jul 17, 2019

Developing dents in muscles of lower right leg - when I rub my leg, feel like a there's a hole in muscle and it is actually visible - saw reflection in store window. . . Surprised me for sure! I very frequently have terrible cramps/burning/stinging/"electric" pains in my legs and feet. Wondering if my muscles are sort of disintegrating. Anyone else know what I am talking about?

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I have central pain syndrome and the muscles atrophy because the nerves are sending the wrong pain signals to the brain. I have it in my whole body (not all at once). It’s hard watching a muscle spasm and then slowly get weaker and weaker. I just tried cannabis and it isn’t helping so far 10 mg dose and 10 mg THC.


I have muscle atrophy extremely bad in right leg had a muscle biopsy came back as MD.Also had genetic testing and it says 2 types if MD. One type I am a carrier. Other indeterminate.My Dr does not accept this trying to say it is back related S1 nerve pinched by L5 vertebrae.I do nit think this would cause atrophy
My 2 previous ones did not show this pinched nerve.I have had this issue since 2019 with severe muscle and bone pain.I would like to know if anyone with adult onset MD experiences this problem.


I have muscle atrophy extremely bad in right leg had a muscle biopsy came back as MD.Also had genetic testing and it says 2 types if MD. One type I am a carrier. Other indeterminate.My Dr does not accept this trying to say it is back related S1 nerve pinched by L5 vertebrae.I do nit think this would cause atrophy
My 2 previous ones did not show this pinched nerve.I have had this issue since 2019 with severe muscle and bone pain.I would like to know if anyone with adult onset MD experiences this problem.

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Welcome @swalton1969, I know it can be terribly frustrating when having discussions with our doctors about tests and outcomes. I found these articles that may shed a little light on the topic for you while we wait for members with experience to respond.

--- Muscular Dystrophy vs. Muscle Atrophy: https://www.verywellhealth.com/dystrophy-vs-atrophy-5120377.

"Can muscular dystrophy affect one leg?
Around half of all people with facioscapulohumeral MD develop weakness in their leg muscles, and 1 or 2 in every 10 people with the condition will eventually need a wheelchair. Facioscapulohumeral MD can develop unevenly, so the muscles on one side of the body may be affected more than the other."
--- Muscular dystrophy - Types - NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/muscular-dystrophy/types/.

"What is the gold standard test for muscular dystrophy?
Although a number of diagnostic tools can point toward muscular dystrophy, genetic testing is usually the most accurate way to diagnose the disease. Genetic testing involves analyzing a person's DNA to look for mutations known to cause muscular dystrophy."
--- Muscular Dystrophy Diagnosis: https://musculardystrophynews.com/muscular-dystrophy-diagnosis/.

Did your doctor explain why they think your muscle biopsy test does not indicate you have Muscular Dystrophy?


My neurologist just is not accepting these diagnosis.Foumd pinched S1 nerve by L5 in latest MRI but EMG show no blockages in my legs.This has been going on since early 2019 and I am very disgusted with all the dr.'s in WV.


My neurologist just is not accepting these diagnosis.Foumd pinched S1 nerve by L5 in latest MRI but EMG show no blockages in my legs.This has been going on since early 2019 and I am very disgusted with all the dr.'s in WV.

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@swalton1969, It's understandable that you are disgusted with not getting a diagnosis and being able to move on with a treatment. You didn't mention having any pain in the leg which I think would be a symptom if you had a pinched S1 nerve. Might be a talking point you can have with your neurologist.

"In conclusion, muscular hypertrophy has a myopathic cause and a neurogenic cause. To discriminate between these, a proper neurologic examination and laboratory tests such as muscle enzyme test, EMG, MRI, and muscle biopsy are needed. Neurogenic muscle hypertrophy is very rare, but we recommend clinicians consider this problem when patients complain of lower limb hypertrophy and pain."
--- Neurogenic muscle hypertrophy: a case report: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5061645/

Is pain also a symptom?


@swalton1969, It's understandable that you are disgusted with not getting a diagnosis and being able to move on with a treatment. You didn't mention having any pain in the leg which I think would be a symptom if you had a pinched S1 nerve. Might be a talking point you can have with your neurologist.

"In conclusion, muscular hypertrophy has a myopathic cause and a neurogenic cause. To discriminate between these, a proper neurologic examination and laboratory tests such as muscle enzyme test, EMG, MRI, and muscle biopsy are needed. Neurogenic muscle hypertrophy is very rare, but we recommend clinicians consider this problem when patients complain of lower limb hypertrophy and pain."
--- Neurogenic muscle hypertrophy: a case report: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5061645/

Is pain also a symptom?

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Already had all those tests.EMG shows no blockages MRI shows pinched S1 nerve by L5 but previous 2 did not.Biopsy shows MD genetic testing does too.Constant pain in right leg.I am also Type 1 diabetic since the age of 7 I am 54 now.


I am stressing out about dents that I noticed in my calf about a week ago ... the dents are still there and don't seem to be getting any better. Has anyone experienced this? If so, what could have caused this? Please explain what I should do. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled this week but I am stressing in the meantime.
I have attached a picture. Don't mind the sock marks. I am referring to the two dents that I circled.


Sorry i have not experienced that


I am stressing out about dents that I noticed in my calf about a week ago ... the dents are still there and don't seem to be getting any better. Has anyone experienced this? If so, what could have caused this? Please explain what I should do. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled this week but I am stressing in the meantime.
I have attached a picture. Don't mind the sock marks. I am referring to the two dents that I circled.

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Welcome @hcortes01, It's understandable to get stressed out when noticing the dents in your legs. I've had dents in my calves before but it's been awhile. I do remember being stressed about it. Since then I have been diagnosed with lymphedema in my legs and wear compression socks to help keep the swelling down. Don't believe all of the stories Dr. Google shares about the dents, as that adds another dimension of scary. I would make a list of questions for your upcoming doctors appointment on any concerns you have.

Can you let us know how your doctors appointment goes?


HI there.I’m in my early 30s and I have recently noticed a “dent” on my left calf. There was about a 2-3 day period where I did experience a dull aching pain. I made an appointment with my primary Dr. but she wanted me to check in a few months and believes its related to my cholesterol levels. Just before this appointment i did see a dermatologist and he suggested it might be related to my varicose veins and gave me triamcinalone. With my leg dent, it tends to be more prominent in the evenings and usually clears up by the morning. There is no pain but there is a slight tenderness to touch at times. I do wear compression socks and it does kinda help.

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