Delirium after anesthesia

Posted by saucy @saucy, Nov 3, 2023

Just read a study that states people over 65 that had general anesthesia are likely to develop delirium, some temporary but some permanent. Had surgery in August and at 71 I feel very different both in energy and cognitively. My husband noticed it a few weeks ago and just read about it today! I do not take any prescription meds and exercise regularly. Notice my balance has been way off lately! Anyone have this problem?

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I very much understand your problem. My 70 yr. husband had hip surgery was sent home with a booklet of advice but not one sentence mentioned the side effects of the anesthesia. He was having constant fender benders and unsteady on his feet. Had extensive work up at the eye doctor...nothing. Also would would mix up words, like microsoft for microwave. Finally, some how I got wind of the effects of anesthesia a on older people. it took a few months but now he is returned to normal. However, the fact that it was never mentioned by the doctor or discharge nurse is wrong and a huge disservice to the patient. I hope in time you'll also feel better.


I’m glad to hear he got back to normal! Yes, nothing is mentioned which is dangerous! My balance is way off and get dizzy, hoping not to fall. I have a hard time with words, surgery was aug 3rd but article said it could be permanent ☹️


This area seems like more research is needed
It is very important


You're just a few months out from the surgery and for all we know you may have had a different anesthesia or different amount besides everyone reacts differently. Hang in there and give it time. I just can't understand why this is not more well known. I wish you all the best !


I was sensitive the general anesthesia before I turned 65. My preferences in this order: acupuncture, local, propofol is difficult to come by in every medical facility I've used. In one surgery the surgeon and I had agreed to use propofol. Of course, the anesthesiologist only visits with you 10 minutes before surgery. Lol! He said we don't do that here. I had to put my feet up against the door so he wouldn't push me into the surgery room. The surgeon and anesthesiologist had a discussion in the hallway. Anesthesiologist said, Okay we'll do it your way," and started to push me in. I said no. I don't want you doing the breathing for me. Another person took over. Interestingly, the nurses in the surgery suite congratulated me on sticking to what I thought best for me.

When my wife needed surgery after that we asked for a consult with the anesthesiologist. I thought the consult was rather useless because it was a nurse we consulted with a nurse that was not going to be in the procedure room. There was no way to get our preferences understood by the one doing the procedure.

As I understand it now, most hospitals assign the anesthesiologist a little bit before the surgery on that day. There is no time, I suppose, to be reimbursed for getting to know the patient.

Many surgeons are so focused on their part of the procedure they assume or hope the anesthesiology people get reimbursed like they do. Seems to be a lack of communication. I blame it on reimbursement procedures but who knows.

Oh! One anesthesiologist said it was my reaction to the surgery not to the anesthesia. I know that can be true in some cases. But, to assume it and blow it off like that is ridiculous.

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