Problems with Dehydration: What do you do to keep hydrated?

Posted by crickard70 @crickard70, Mar 21, 2023

A two year whipple survivor having problems with enzymes. Ceron. Because of my issues, bloating, bowel dumping, stomach pain. I become dehydrated and have to go to ER and get IV fluids. I feel wonderful, thought. I was dying. My question is does anyone else have dehydration problems and what do you do to keep hydrated? I drink Gatorade daily and only water. Thank you

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That is a great idea didn’t even think of jello or pudding. Do you eat sugar free or regular. I try to eat very little sugar. Do you feel you have a restricted diet? Thank you

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Skip the jello & pudding. It will be full of sugar or aspartame. Both cancer causing/breeding ingredients. Opt for healthier options like plant protein fruit smoothies. My fav is vanilla pomegranate (so healthy & a natural immune system booster). I have never understood why hospitals serve jello to anyone & I never will. Do you realize that it is made from cow hooves??? What is healthy about cow hooves? Are they trying to kill people? Hospitals & doctors actually know very little about proper nutrition. I question most dieticians too. There, I said it. You must be your own advocate!!! Do your own research. There is so much for everyone to learn about what their bodies really need. When people are sick they require the best nutrition possible such as homemade vegetable based organic soups, fresh fruits (and I don’t mean high sugar processed applesauce). I mean fresh wild organic blueberries, raspberries, cherries, even strawberries, fresh squeezed orange juice, etc. Watch the amount of beef you consume. It causes diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s. Chicken & Turkey are soaked in bleach so you are consuming that when you eat those meats. Opt for fish such as sea bass & wild caught salmon only. No farm raised as it is full of antibiotics & I won’t even get into what type of swamp farm raised fish live in. Not healthy, clean water! Disease, sickness, poop! Eat ancient grains such as millet, kamut, buckwheat & araminth. Consume more legumes (all types of beans, lentils, chickpeas) plus quinoa, farro, healing mushrooms, peppers, bok choy, cabbage, broccoli, celery juice, raw onions, radishes, ginger, raw garlic & turmeric. It is not hard to eat healthy. You just have to know what to eat. Stir frys arecyour friend but skip high sugar stir fry sauces. Try good quality olive oil, low sodium tamari & fresh ginger instead. Many of these foods that I have listed need to be purchased at health food stores or ordered online as you won’t find them in your average grocery stores. If anyone has questions or is genuinely interested in better nutrition you can email me anytime at

Best of luck to all!



No no no to Gatorade! It contains high levels of sugar which promote cancer growth. You need to completely cut out sugar if you want to win this war. I drink Nectar hydration packets (available on Amazon) in my water once per day & I get IV hydration twice per week to stay hydrated. The Nectar packets are the best tasting & do not contain ‘natural flavors’ which is another big no no. Most things processed contain these so called natural flavors which are chemicals put into the food to make them taste natural or better? If you have a poor appetite, I would highly recommend trying Rick Simpson CBD oil. Lack of appetite will also make you dehydrated. The CBD oil helps me a lot with my appetite. It helps me get to sleep & it also helps with nausea & anxiety. Hope this helps somewhat. Best of luck on your journey!

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I forgot to add sugar free Gatorade can’t agree more, I have eliminated sugar from my diet. I haven’t found a packet I like yet, but great suggestion. Does your oncologist do your iv hydration? And does he test to see if you need it? Thank you.


I forgot to add sugar free Gatorade can’t agree more, I have eliminated sugar from my diet. I haven’t found a packet I like yet, but great suggestion. Does your oncologist do your iv hydration? And does he test to see if you need it? Thank you.

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I do get my IV hydration at the cancer center. I always need it, twice per week. I know from how I feel whether I need it or not and I always need it. I do get my blood tested weekly for deficiencies to be certain that I am healthy enough for my next round of chemo. I also get the CA19-9 & CEA tests weekly so we can monitor my chemo progress.

As for the Gatorade….what sweetener is used in Gatorade besides sugar or sucralose? Sucralose also known as Splenda should not be consumed by any human!bit is not safe & about one atom away from rat poison as per my biochemist friend. You won’t find info online about it because of all of big pharma’s deeply hidden secrets but my biochemist friend does independent cancer research for UCLA & knows all about the harm it causes. Why risk it? I would personally avoid Gatorade completely. Purchase the Nectar hydration packets instead & add to your own bottled water. Much healthier! or order through Amazon

Live long & prosper!


Easy trick from my nutritionist:

Put rubber bands around your glass. Take off one rubber band each time you refill the glass.

So, my goal is to drink 32 ounces of water per day. My glass holds 8 ounces. I put 3 rubber bands around the outside of my glass when I fill it up first thing in the morning. I take away one band with each refill. I use the same glass all day. When all the rubber bands are off the glass, I know I have had enough.

The rubber bands show me how much water I have had and how much more I need to drink. Takes all of the thinking and stress out of it.

Good luck, everybody!

I have arthritis in my hands. The rubber bands make the glass easier to hold, too!


Hello. I like diluted apple juice a lot (about 50% water + 50% commercially bottled apple juice); plain seltzer (fizzy seems to prompt me to drink more than flat does); a 50/50 mix of regular ginger ale + diet ginger ale; a mix of 1/3 Bolthouse protein shake + 1/3 dairy milk + 1/3 soy milk (the Bolthouse shakes have a lot of sugar, plus they're expensive); and plain water.

I use a 1-liter bottle for everything but the shakes (I use a 16-oz tumbler for those) and either eyeball how full it is or weigh the bottle on my kitchen scale. (I got a decent scale on sale for about $10 at Target.) Then I enter the no. of ounces in a .txt file that's always open on my laptop, to help me see whether I'm meeting my daily goals. Good luck and best wishes.


Hello, I am suffering from dehydration as well and have much to discuss as I am dx with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer as well in Feb 2023 out of nowhere and a very healthy extended family living well into old age with good health and do not understand illness like mine and its consequence at such a young age with 3 K-12 school age kids. Much appreciated everyone's tit bits.
My 2 cents on this topic is to also watch your electrolytes especially potassium and if you have heart disease magnesium.
Going on a tangent from the dehydration topic, I am interested in connecting with @stageIVsurviver and others like you if they exist as the prognosis given to me and all stage 4 pancreatic cancer are grim and am excited for you as well as encouraged to learn how you have survived from 2012 to 2023.Congratulations!My responsibility to my 3 young children is not done and I am worried about them and would like to do what I can to be a stage 4 survivor like you as long as I can to support my children

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I would suggest reading the book "How to Starve Cancer". It provides additional avenues to Standard of Care. There are many success stories. My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV in February as well after having NO prior health issues. We are also trying to eat all Organic Foods, cut out sugar, processed foods, etc. How to Starve Cancer gives additional options and hope. We have signed up with Care Oncology out of Virginia as well to prescribe a base set of cancer starving meds.

I hope for the best for you. You have alot to fight for. Equip yourself with as many tools to fight this disease as you can find.

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