How to help my spouse with stage 4 Glioblastoma while being so sad?
I am a new member dealing with caregiving for my husband who has reoccurrence Glioblastoma. Would like to hear ideas about how to help him while being so sad and distraught about the situation.
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@alibit11 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I’m sorry that such a sad occasion has brought you here. What has the doctor said about treatment or the future? There are a few more conversations about glioblastoma that occurred earlier. You can access them here:
Go ahead and ask questions in any of the conversations, if you like, and they aren’t too old. But, other members of the group will happily chime in with advice and tips for you!
@alibit11, I'd like to add my welcome. I'm tagging fellow members like @kara81 @otis123 @nancyhafer @kpickowitz @ruthannray @saintdijo who have cared for or are caring for a family member (spouse, sibling) with glioblastoma. They get it.
Like you, they want to be the best caregiver they can be, but at the same time struggle (some days more than others) with the sadness and distress that the diagnosis and future hold.
Alibit, are you and your husband able to talk about your sadness - yours and undoubtedly his too? Do you have other family members that help you with caregiving or with whom you can talk openly with?
My husband has Glioblastoma also. It is sad and hard. When he’s sad, be sad together. When you’re sad find a place to be sad alone or with a loving family member or friend. Look for the happy moments you have with him.
Get organized for the future. That will give structure and purpose to your time. Don’t ignore issues that need to be dealt with now or soon. If you aren’t familiar with your financial life, educate yourself. That is so critical. I wish you peace and many happy moments with your husband.
@alibit11, just checking in. How are you doing?
I’m doing ok. My husband is actually doing a bit better lately. We are going for MRI Tuesday and we will find out if the chemo and infusion he took did anything to the regrowth. We are praying for the best. Thank you for checking in