Dad at 61, discovered to have 2cm localized at the head of pancreas

Posted by bokchee88 @bokchee88, Mar 14, 2023

So, my dad at 61, on February 20th, during regular blood test, they found some tumor markers. After analyzing it is found out that it is from the head of pancreas.
After future scanning and testing. They found a 2cm tumor on the head, which doesn't affect around places. My dad haven't had any symptoms or anything prior of this discovery, and he still dont feel anything or have any symptoms after. He is on strict diet before the surgery.
The doctors says that this could be operable
He will go to Slovenia for Whipple procedure and future analysis.

My question is, what are the odds of all of this? How much he might live? I can't deal with this news, i know the reality of this, that his life is shorten, which nobody knows how much.
I keep reading on internet, they say the sooner it is found, which is very hard, the better the outcome.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.


I was jaundiced and had dark urine, so after waiting to get in for tests I went ahead and went to the ER and they ran everything and found the tumor. And it was quite a shock because I was thinking something was wrong with my liver.
Now I just have chemo symptoms, peripheral neuropathy, my hands, legs, mouth, nose, and eyes. Nausea and diarrhea.

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My dad before discovering out, he didn't got any kind of symptoms,no jaundice, nothing at all. The doctor said he is very lucky and it is 2cm just in one place based on scans.


I am now 63 years old. I had a well differentiated, grade 1, stage 1 gastrinoma neuroendrocrune 1.5cm tumor in the pancreas head. Whipple surgery done in May 2020. No chemo but was on Creon for 6 to 9 months or so. Chromograni A is considered high, over 600. At times, have diarrhoea; recently has rashes at the back and occasionally heart burnt (just done a CT scan to rule out heart issue & waiting for results). After surgery, eat more frequent small meals, walk regularly to keep fit. I can continue to live normally & continue with hiking.

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What procedure was done to locate tumor inthe pancreas Head?


Oh my gosh i am very sorry about that.
Did you guys found it too late ? Did she had any symptoms before?

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Original tumor early
Strange urine color but no symptoms
Pushed the bile duct closed.
High billie Ruben count


You have your radar on now to vigilant. I was diagnosed with bile duct and pancreas cancer, I am 57. Mayo care team ordered 6 months (8) treatments of folfuroniñx. Neuropathy is bad with it - they can decrease one chemical
Slightly if needed,
I had Whippel on 3/14 at Mayo. Surgery is toughest one to have and recover from. Your father is lucky one - only 25% qualify for surgery. My body doesn’t make tumor markers so we are flying blind with my situation. The team operated with clean margins. And got clean lymph nodes. Thank you for the miracles God. Now I heal, and then start chemo and live
my best life. Your dad should strengthen his upper body for going from chair to standing And up and down from bed and toilet. Legs need to be able to
Push too. Stay positive hopeful and Thank God every day.


You have your radar on now to vigilant. I was diagnosed with bile duct and pancreas cancer, I am 57. Mayo care team ordered 6 months (8) treatments of folfuroniñx. Neuropathy is bad with it - they can decrease one chemical
Slightly if needed,
I had Whippel on 3/14 at Mayo. Surgery is toughest one to have and recover from. Your father is lucky one - only 25% qualify for surgery. My body doesn’t make tumor markers so we are flying blind with my situation. The team operated with clean margins. And got clean lymph nodes. Thank you for the miracles God. Now I heal, and then start chemo and live
my best life. Your dad should strengthen his upper body for going from chair to standing And up and down from bed and toilet. Legs need to be able to
Push too. Stay positive hopeful and Thank God every day.

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The "miracle" is from the millions of hours of work and training of the medical professionals.

It is not likely a god would create and continue suffering caused by pancreatic cancer.


What procedure was done to locate tumor inthe pancreas Head?

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It started with MRI for relapsed of backslip disc, followed by CT scan at kidney of 1 cyst, followed by CT scan in the pancreas. It was an incidental findings. An endoscopy biopsy was performed on the pancreas head tumor. Thereafter an arrays of blood tests. Currently on follow up with endocrine doctor & surgeon.


I’m sorry to hear that news about your father.
I’ve been diagnosed with stage 2 and is operable and I am moving forward with the Whipple surgery after chemotherapy.
I will start chemotherapy on March 28 for 4 months with CT scans every 2 weeks to see how the therapy is working.
My care is being done at Mayo Clinic.
I’m relying on God’s Peace to guard my heart and mind through my struggles.


Has any one tried clinical trials?
What are the advantages ?


My mother has Well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor : Immunohistochemical stains confirm endocrine differentiation showing diffuse positivity for synaptophysin and INSM1. Ki67 stains less than 1% of tumor cells. any advice please

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Hi @joe1982, I moved your message in this discussion to join @bokchee88 who is supporting his dad who also has pancreatic cancer. I'm also tagging @titansmistress and @jessie59 who have experience with well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor.

How is your mom doing? What treatment will she be getting?

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