Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and feeling blank

Posted by paulieoneill4979 @paulieoneill4979, Aug 20, 2022

Hey everyone was diagnosed with crps in April 2022 after a trimalleolar ankle fracture and distal radius fracture Jan 2 2022 I have been taking gabapentin 1800mg a day and I feel like it's done nothing this condition is absolutely the worst thing I've ever experienced I cant sleep I don't have any interest in anything most days and the rare day I have a but of energy it's gets zapped pretty quick I have burning in both legs lower back and whole arm to neck scheduled for nerve abalation and epidural in a few weeks I just want to see if anyone here is going through this o am so lost right now

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Thank you for the kind words yes I am a very strong minded person trying to navigate the Injuries themselves plus the crps has been quite a challenge I have been in therapy for a long time so that helps quite a bit as for agenda today driving from upstate ny to Brooklyn to handle so family stuff its fun being a passenger lol go for my nerve abalation Wednesday at nyu pain management facility elsewise going to try and relax today after this trip I am a big outdoor person so the Catskill mountains are my go to place for meditation and I have a 6 yr daughter as my main source of inspiration she comes to all my pt and ot appointments and cheers me on still have about a year of therapy to go till leg and hand injuries fully heal best they can lost alot of range of motion and muscle mass in leg and hand and well the crps makes it all worse but I am fighting another day and will continue too

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Hi. I truly hope the eblations work for you. I have an injury from work in 2007. Ive had pretty much everything including a fusion ( L4L5) . I've recently discovered that the surgeon hasn't been totally honest in my recovery seeing as there's been notes of multiple mechanical failures that he never told me about. Just told me to keep getting the shots or another surgery. I'm scared and I'm alone. My Dr retired last year and no Dr will give me my hydrocodone back. Now I'm in therapy with a counselor but there's nothing they can really do because I'm too focused on the pain and loss of interest in everything. My rhumotologist is trying to help but that also takes time. I cry every day I have meds to sleep but only get maybe 4 hours. I have been diagnosed with rhumotiod arthritis at 52. I have nothing left to do but keep fighting or just lie in bed. Most days it's bed. I'm going to ask for more PT if they can't give me something for pain aside from gabapentin. They make me jittery and very forgetful but without them I'm totally down. Anyway... sorry......I guess I needed to say all that but mostly..... best of luck to you.


Hi. I truly hope the eblations work for you. I have an injury from work in 2007. Ive had pretty much everything including a fusion ( L4L5) . I've recently discovered that the surgeon hasn't been totally honest in my recovery seeing as there's been notes of multiple mechanical failures that he never told me about. Just told me to keep getting the shots or another surgery. I'm scared and I'm alone. My Dr retired last year and no Dr will give me my hydrocodone back. Now I'm in therapy with a counselor but there's nothing they can really do because I'm too focused on the pain and loss of interest in everything. My rhumotologist is trying to help but that also takes time. I cry every day I have meds to sleep but only get maybe 4 hours. I have been diagnosed with rhumotiod arthritis at 52. I have nothing left to do but keep fighting or just lie in bed. Most days it's bed. I'm going to ask for more PT if they can't give me something for pain aside from gabapentin. They make me jittery and very forgetful but without them I'm totally down. Anyway... sorry......I guess I needed to say all that but mostly..... best of luck to you.

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Ty I needed to hear that and I'm with you I've noticed no relief so far from the shots the crps has gotten worse since my injuries and pain management believes as do I that the crps started very early on and maybe we missed it by a few months I see pain management team again in 2 weeks to discuss the shots and what's next im tired I'm disconnected and right now very little makes me smile let alone interact with family and friends it stinks who knew breaking an ankle and wrist could do this


Aww, thank you!! And Happy Birthday to your son. I’m trying to stay positive 🙂

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You got this!


Hi. I truly hope the eblations work for you. I have an injury from work in 2007. Ive had pretty much everything including a fusion ( L4L5) . I've recently discovered that the surgeon hasn't been totally honest in my recovery seeing as there's been notes of multiple mechanical failures that he never told me about. Just told me to keep getting the shots or another surgery. I'm scared and I'm alone. My Dr retired last year and no Dr will give me my hydrocodone back. Now I'm in therapy with a counselor but there's nothing they can really do because I'm too focused on the pain and loss of interest in everything. My rhumotologist is trying to help but that also takes time. I cry every day I have meds to sleep but only get maybe 4 hours. I have been diagnosed with rhumotiod arthritis at 52. I have nothing left to do but keep fighting or just lie in bed. Most days it's bed. I'm going to ask for more PT if they can't give me something for pain aside from gabapentin. They make me jittery and very forgetful but without them I'm totally down. Anyway... sorry......I guess I needed to say all that but mostly..... best of luck to you.

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@nellie52starr Hello and welcome to you! Your story speaks to me. I'm sorry you have these challenges at your age, but I guess there are kids out there much younger dealing with worse. I am 52 also and I keep fighting too and reminding myself that it can always be worse. Small wins each day get me through, and I focus on the next 5 minutes.

Maybe you'd like to take a peek at this video from the Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sletten. It's about chronic pain and central sensitization, its cause and rehabilitation:

I'll be interested in your response to the video and how it may apply to your situation. Most importantly, I hope it gives you a little boost and inspiration in knowing there is hope.

You mention crying a lot and not dear, you are caught in the "cycle of pain". How is your support system? Do you live with family and how do they support you?


Good morning
I’m now into my sixth month of a Boston Scientific spinal implant for the CRSP in my legs. The progress is incredible. It was a very slow start because of the swelling around the battery, in the right side of my back below the ribs, needed to go down. (I’m pear shaped and the waist band to pants hit it which doesn’t help…) Once the swelling went down I got relief. I waited the 90 days and got started with working the lower part of my body in a pool and walking. For 6 weeks I’ve been caring for a family member so the exercising has not taken top priority…I feel it. Please make sure you’re seeing an Anesthesiologist that specializes in pain management. I went to the university of North Carolina and they were fabulous! I am encouraging you to find a qualified anesthesiologist. I had actually contacted the mayo clinic in Jacksonville Florida to try to get an appointment. They told me these folks were right in my backyard. Obviously, it is a teaching school, and they are very interested in getting great results. I had gone to a pain management clinic and they herded us in like we were cattle. I was extremely grateful to the Jacksonville Mayo Clinic for pointing me in the correct direction to get relief from my CRPS. I wish you the best and encourage you to find the correct doctor. These doctors are very hard to get an appointment because of the patients that are dealing with Covid and injection after affects. Keep trying!


I have had CRPS since 1993 from surgery on my right ankle for tarsal tunnel s neuritis. I developed this after about four months after surgery. I am on 600 mg of gabenpentin 4 times a day. It helps better now. I also have a cream that helps with the burning. It is called Ketamine. You need to go up on your dose of gabenpentin, that is not enough.


Hi. I truly hope the eblations work for you. I have an injury from work in 2007. Ive had pretty much everything including a fusion ( L4L5) . I've recently discovered that the surgeon hasn't been totally honest in my recovery seeing as there's been notes of multiple mechanical failures that he never told me about. Just told me to keep getting the shots or another surgery. I'm scared and I'm alone. My Dr retired last year and no Dr will give me my hydrocodone back. Now I'm in therapy with a counselor but there's nothing they can really do because I'm too focused on the pain and loss of interest in everything. My rhumotologist is trying to help but that also takes time. I cry every day I have meds to sleep but only get maybe 4 hours. I have been diagnosed with rhumotiod arthritis at 52. I have nothing left to do but keep fighting or just lie in bed. Most days it's bed. I'm going to ask for more PT if they can't give me something for pain aside from gabapentin. They make me jittery and very forgetful but without them I'm totally down. Anyway... sorry......I guess I needed to say all that but mostly..... best of luck to you.

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Please see an anesthesiologist that specializes in pain management. I have had a Boston Scientific‘s final court implant put in my back on March 14, 2022. As of today I’m doing very well. The most important thing you need to do though, in my opinion, is find an anesthesiologist that specializes in pain management.


Hello @paulieoneill4979, welcome. Feeling blank...boy, have I felt blank before. As a matter of fact, that feeling is what lead me to Connect. I'm so sorry you've ended up with CRPS after ankle surgery this past January. Your doctor seemed to diagnose CRPS rather quick which is good.

You may not know what Gabapentin is actually doing for you unless you were no longer taking it. I have to believe it's helping and perhaps your dose can increase. It sounds like you and your doctor have a solid plan to try injections and possibly ablations. Those treatments really do work for some folks so there is hope for you.

I truly understand how lost you feel and am sorry. I've fealt the same throughout my journey of chronic pain conditions when the worse types of nerve, muscle and joint pains overwhelmed me. Luckily you know what you have so you can tackle it head on, which you are doing.

How do you keep your mind distracted when your having pain flares? I put on a movie, music, or talk to someone in my family. Do you have a support system to help you through these difficult times?

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Ketamine is the best first thing to try. Please dont let them cut on you. It's way way too soon for such radical treatment. Ketamine has good results in very early treatment. Cutting on us can easily cause more spread. Yes, things can get worse than they are.

Pain doctors seem to want to do spinal cord stimulators right away even on young people these days. Don't let them cut on you. Get a second and third opinion from a specialist anywhere in the country, please.

"I feel blank" are words I use all the time.


Ketamine is the best first thing to try. Please dont let them cut on you. It's way way too soon for such radical treatment. Ketamine has good results in very early treatment. Cutting on us can easily cause more spread. Yes, things can get worse than they are.

Pain doctors seem to want to do spinal cord stimulators right away even on young people these days. Don't let them cut on you. Get a second and third opinion from a specialist anywhere in the country, please.

"I feel blank" are words I use all the time.

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I kind of want to add, with seriousness of treatment that has worked for some of us, let's remember that age matters. I would feel different about a SCS for someone 40 than for someone 18 and running off to school, states away using borrowed money and all alone for the first time weeks after surgery - a scenario I am witnessing on another site - where she is 18, alone and yes, states away from family for the first time in her life and with an incision that won't heal. Scary stuff for a kid just in college and under so much stress already. What I can do retired is so different than when I was getting my degree, or working a very stressful job and I only had one week vacation time and couldn't take more time off in order to make rent. Or a single mom and feed the kids. We are so not a one size fits all. and I know we all know this but just wanted to say it again. There is no magic pill and I hate to say and it feels impossible when we are dying in pain, but things CAN always get worse.

I just want us to keep the age of the poster in our hearts when we talk about what worked at "our" now age and would we want that SCS or that mega dose of gaba put into/given to our 14 yo daughter. Just saying...carry on...


CRPS is an invisible inflammatory disease. I have had type 2 for 10 years. There is no cure for type 2. There is hope for type 1. I would advise you to continue to search for a cure. God Bless You.

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