Crest Syndrome Ulnar Artery Reconstruction

Posted by redroads @redroads, Feb 6, 2023

Diagnosed in November, severe issues with arteries in my arms. I have had partial amputation of index finger, recovery is not happening, dry gangrene again. . I am going to have Ulnar Artery Reconstruction and or Bypass. Has anyone had this surgery?

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Welcome @redroads, I don't have any experience with the surgery but thought I would share this article I found while we wait for members who may experience with the Ulnar Reconstruction or Bypass surgery.

--- Saved by the SPY*: Ulnar Artery Reconstruction With LCFA Graft for Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome:

When are you having the surgery?


Hi @redroads I just signed into this chat group and have experienced a necrosis of my left index finger and am going on 7.5 months of dealign with this and just finished 60 sessions of hyperbarick oxygen treatment. My finger still has dead tissue or gangrene and the top bone or distal phalanx is exposed and dead needs to be shortened.

I too have oxygen problems at the ular and radial arteries at the wrist.

How did your Ulnar Reconstruction Bypass surgery go?

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