COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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My wife had been dealing with PN for years. She has seen a couple of Dr.s that want to put her on medication without doing testing of any sort, they just tell her she has PN. One Dr. put her on Cymbalta, and in hindsight overdosed her. She had a lot of brain fog from that and the Dr. wouldn't see her again. She weaned herself off of it, but still thinks she has effects from it. She has tried all kinds of supposed cures as many desperate people do. Mainly her feet tingle and burn along with numbness, but she learned to live with it. She got the first Pfizer vaccine shot without too much trouble, but after the 2nd shot she is in misery most of the time hoping it will eventually subside, but it has been 3 months since the 2nd shot with no relief. She also has the feeling bugs are crawling on her and one mosquito bite seems to trigger every bite she has ever had with incessant itching. From what I have seen there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

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I took Moderna vaccine 2 months ago, afterwards I woke up the next day in severe pain in my arm, shoulder, and neck area. I already suffer from CRPS in my right lower extremities. My physical therapist refused to do any treatment for this area, due to the fact the swelling was so bad he couldn't find my lymphnoides around my neck area. I ve been to 3 emergency rooms for the pain because none of my previous meds take the pain away. After 2 CT, a host of x rays nothing. At first they told me shot given to low, maybe hit bursa. So I had an MRI results were I have 3 mild bulging dics, a rotor cuff tear, severe arthritis in arm. Can someone please tell me why these symptoms never bothered me until I took vaccine. The CRPS feels like it more in the arm, sholder, neck area than my feet and leg, this pain is calming now.


Sorry if I posted in wrong area...


I took Moderna vaccine 2 months ago, afterwards I woke up the next day in severe pain in my arm, shoulder, and neck area. I already suffer from CRPS in my right lower extremities. My physical therapist refused to do any treatment for this area, due to the fact the swelling was so bad he couldn't find my lymphnoides around my neck area. I ve been to 3 emergency rooms for the pain because none of my previous meds take the pain away. After 2 CT, a host of x rays nothing. At first they told me shot given to low, maybe hit bursa. So I had an MRI results were I have 3 mild bulging dics, a rotor cuff tear, severe arthritis in arm. Can someone please tell me why these symptoms never bothered me until I took vaccine. The CRPS feels like it more in the arm, sholder, neck area than my feet and leg, this pain is calming now.

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@neverrest- Good morning. I hope that today will be a better day for you. Moderna's second shot was a doozie, wasn't it? I was pretty ill with it and wound up with a very high fever, aches, pains, and a very sore arm!

The vaccine jump-started your immune system to fight covid but it can also exacerbate other silent problems. There are man, many posts that tell the same story about "newly found problems." Research is still on-going with the chicken and the egg dilemma with this.

I'm very glad that your pain is subsiding. Hopefully, it will disappear very soon. What are you taking for it now that it is less painful?


I took Moderna vaccine 2 months ago, afterwards I woke up the next day in severe pain in my arm, shoulder, and neck area. I already suffer from CRPS in my right lower extremities. My physical therapist refused to do any treatment for this area, due to the fact the swelling was so bad he couldn't find my lymphnoides around my neck area. I ve been to 3 emergency rooms for the pain because none of my previous meds take the pain away. After 2 CT, a host of x rays nothing. At first they told me shot given to low, maybe hit bursa. So I had an MRI results were I have 3 mild bulging dics, a rotor cuff tear, severe arthritis in arm. Can someone please tell me why these symptoms never bothered me until I took vaccine. The CRPS feels like it more in the arm, sholder, neck area than my feet and leg, this pain is calming now.

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If I read this to my daughter, a telehealth triage nurse, she would say "Yup, we hear it every day. My Pain doc referred to it as "your immune system going into overdrive" when this happened to me after the influenza vaccine last fall, and said it has been happening with quite a few vaccines over the years. According to her, in her practice she has nearly always seen it settle down. I ended up on a course of steroids to calm the inflammation.

I am glad you are seeing a reduction. Unfortunately, some of our bodies just mount a louder response than others!
Keep healing,


Hello @chloeb2 and welcome to Mayo Connect. If you read through this discussion from the beginning you will see that a number of members have had these reactions, some for the first time ever, others as a return of previous symptoms.
Many with new or mild symptoms see them improve over time.
Studies are underway to determine why this happens, but it is most likely an overreaction by your immune system to the vaccine. It has happened in the past with other vaccines like shingles.
Has your doctor recommended any treatment? Do your symptoms seem to be improving?

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Thanks for your reply


This happened to me too. I developed neuropathy 2 yrs ago after taking Levaquin. It improved after about a year and I was no longer on any medication for it. Other than occasional mild flares if I overexerted, it was a non-issue. I got the first Moderna shot Jan 5 and within 6 hrs my feet started to burn. Within 8 hrs it was nearly my entire body and it did not go away. I saw my PCP and said although neuropathy isn't an expected reaction to the vaccine there are too many unknowns to know. She wouldn't advise on the 2nd dose because there are too many unknowns. I ended up not getting the 2nd dose. Unfortunately I still have the neuropathy all over. I've searched my brain to find another variable to blame, but there just isn't one that I can see. I'm now back on gabapentin 3x a day. I did report this through the vaers system. I hope in time things calm and it's not permanent. Every individual is unique and rare doesn't mean impossible, which medical providers often forget. In no way do I want to sway anyone from the vaccine. We all have to choose based on our own health history, risks, etc. My family and friends who received it had no problems. But I did want to share my experience.

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Hi. I am so very sorry to hear of your experience with the vaccine. I’ve decided not to get it. I’m pretty healthy and sure I can handle Covid. But, the reason I wanted to respond to you, is that you say you burn all over. I have idiopathic small fiber neuropathy from head to toe. For about 10 years. Because I can’t hardly stand anything touching my skin, and I can’t even stand air movement, I always wear plush fleece pajamas or lounge wear. I also had these thick plush fleece throw blankets lying around. Then one day a couple of months ago I thought, I want Some sheets and pillowcases made out of this. So I got a twin size blanket to go under me, and a twin size blanket to go over me, and a third twin size blanket and a friend of mine sewed pillowcases for me. It made such a difference in my comfort during the night. I’m just so happy about it I wanted to share it. I even have plush fleece washcloths! I seriously don’t like anything touching my skin.

This is my first comment on this site. So I’ll share just a couple quick things: I take gabapentin 600 mg 3X, Nucynta 50 mg 4x, and Nucynta ER 100 mg 2X. And if it gets really bad, I add a Benadryl. Surprising how well Benadryl helps me. I’ve been very stable for several years. I’ve never escalated with my medication and I feel well managed.

I also have the autonomic problems related to small fiber neuropathy. High heart rate, low blood pressure, thermal dysregulation etc. but I’m OK pretty much. There is a Small fiber neuropathy researcher at Harvard medical/Mass General named Anne Louise Oaklander And she has some Informative lectures on YouTube. FYI.

You take good care now. Godspeed.


Hi. I wish I hadn't gotten the Mdrna shots. I am a 67 yr. old male, was in excellent health, no meds or issues. After my second shot in March, I started to get numbness, needles and burning in feet in June. Now it has been going to my hands and arms. After reading comments from everyone here, other sights and just last night on Fox News, they had 2 people that have been going through many tests and these circulation, neuropathy issues are becoming common cases! But the hospitals don't want to relate to covid and told them to see a psychiatrist!! I have been taking natural meds with little help, but now it appears that it's time to see the doctor. Are there any suggestions from the Clinic?


I had the same symptoms . I spoke to my doctor and he offered no solution or no relation to the Covid vaccine 😡 he suggested that I stopped eating / drinking any thing that sparks inflammation . I followed his advice and It’s getting better ! Some other people on this thread also have had these symptoms. They seem to improve over time . Hang in there .


Hi. I wish I hadn't gotten the Mdrna shots. I am a 67 yr. old male, was in excellent health, no meds or issues. After my second shot in March, I started to get numbness, needles and burning in feet in June. Now it has been going to my hands and arms. After reading comments from everyone here, other sights and just last night on Fox News, they had 2 people that have been going through many tests and these circulation, neuropathy issues are becoming common cases! But the hospitals don't want to relate to covid and told them to see a psychiatrist!! I have been taking natural meds with little help, but now it appears that it's time to see the doctor. Are there any suggestions from the Clinic?

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I am a 53 yr old female, had covid back in December. I received the Moderna vaccine in March, second shot in April and immediately started symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. No other variables in my life or lifestyle, so I am sure it was the vaccine that caused this. Maybe because I already had the virus, my body produced too many antibodies and they started to attack my nerves? Started with numb toes, pain in ball of foot, now have burning and cold sensation, worse at night, and it radiates up my ankles. I went to my primary care doc, she prescribed steroids for a week. The symptoms were much better, but came back after discontinuing the meds. I have been trying to get into a neurologist since- and where I live, the resources are very limited. New patient waits are well into the winter. My doctor recommended seeing a podiatrist that deals with neuropathy. I have an appointment today. I do not think it matters which vaccine you receive. I too have been researching the correlation between the vaccine and new onset neuropathy, and you are right. More and more cases being reported. Back in Feb, there was only 27 cases reported to VAERS. I too believe that physicians do not want to link the vaccine to any side effects, and am sure there are more cases out there than are being reported. I will update my own case after I see the podiatrist today, and see what they say.


I am a 53 yr old female, had covid back in December. I received the Moderna vaccine in March, second shot in April and immediately started symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. No other variables in my life or lifestyle, so I am sure it was the vaccine that caused this. Maybe because I already had the virus, my body produced too many antibodies and they started to attack my nerves? Started with numb toes, pain in ball of foot, now have burning and cold sensation, worse at night, and it radiates up my ankles. I went to my primary care doc, she prescribed steroids for a week. The symptoms were much better, but came back after discontinuing the meds. I have been trying to get into a neurologist since- and where I live, the resources are very limited. New patient waits are well into the winter. My doctor recommended seeing a podiatrist that deals with neuropathy. I have an appointment today. I do not think it matters which vaccine you receive. I too have been researching the correlation between the vaccine and new onset neuropathy, and you are right. More and more cases being reported. Back in Feb, there was only 27 cases reported to VAERS. I too believe that physicians do not want to link the vaccine to any side effects, and am sure there are more cases out there than are being reported. I will update my own case after I see the podiatrist today, and see what they say.

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I'm was a healthy 61 yr. old male, with mild idiopathic neuropathy in both feet prior to receiving the Moderna vaccine in March. Within 48 hours I was in the emergency room with extreme paresthesia throughout my entire body. The following 2 weeks the partial paralysis subsided but the foot neuropathy has increased from a 2 to a 9 on a 10 scale. My neurologist said to keep taking gabapentin, which frankly is almost useless for pain in this case. I agree with you that it's probably our immune system's over response to the vaccine. And that no one wants to talk about that possibility or have any idea about how to treat it. It sounds like we both need very competent neurologist/immunologist's help, but we could spend years and a fortune tracking down and securing that help. My thought's are mainly surrounding the question of why the pain doesn't subside? What can we do to dampen that response our bodies had to the vaccine? I wish you luck with your podiatrist today, might be able to directly address your pain.

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