Covid Tremors and Covid Vibrations support group and Myoclonus (jerks)

Posted by Kemmeries @kemmeries, Apr 30, 2023

Is there any treatment for Covid Tremors and Covid Vibrations and Myoclonus (sudden muscle jerks)?

My wife first got Covid in June of 2022, then in January of 2023 she got worse every day. Her fatigue got so bad she was in a wheelchair and one or two days away from going and probably not returning from the hospital. BUT, we found LDN (low dose naltrexone) and had an immediate good response for her fatigue (she is still very fatigued)
However, the Covid Tremors and Covid Vibrations and Myoclonus (sudden muscle jerks) have not gotten better and at times gotten worse. Her hand will travel 12 or more inches during her tremors. She can not eat or drink while she is in this state. If these tremors get worse, she will not be able to eat or drink and we all know how that ends.
She needs HELP
our PC has sent a referral to Mayo in Phonix, I pray Mayo will accept her. PLEASE HELP

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We did not see any different with increasing of anti histamines

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what did you start with and how much more did you try.
this is my second day taking 1 claritin in the early a.m.
anything else you want to discuss. maybe i have some info that you don’t.


Im so sorry to hear she is still so sick. I also have another friend that has had these tremors and vibrations, and jerks for over a year without much progress. I feel they are all related to hyperstimulation of the fight of flight. Basically Covid did something to our brains that is making us maxed out on stress hormones and anxiety which in turn causes all the tremors and jerks etc.

I have just started taking Zoloft to try to lower my overall anxiety in hopes it will help with my physical symptoms and sleep. I have never had an ounce of anxiety my whole life so to have all this now is crushing. I so hope this will change with time and better treatments will emerge. I will post on here anything that works for me.

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zoloft takes about 6 weeks to start working.
it did nothing for the symptoms we share.
you might try saint john’s wort instead.
it made me irritable, but i only took it for 3 days. it might have had some effect if i had given it more of a chance.


Hello @kemmeries
I am sorry your wife is suffering so from so many Long Covid ailments. It sounds like your wife's among all of the complex health issues Long Covid brings with it, could maybe due with some sort of fast acting stress relief and maybe a nerve blocker and/or sedatives. I am ONLY suggesting this because I know how it is to feel so awful, to be feeling so bad all the time. I had every single system, still have a lot. I know what it is like to be in bed for the better part of the last 3 years - IT IS F'N AWFUL! I still have those days - 2/3 times a week -
Good luck
Here's healing and good health


We have found out that electrolytes increase tremors (at least with my wife, 15 months LC)


So the more I read the more I feel I’m getting answers. Summer of 2022 I had Covid. Internal buzzing from months after that. Received 3rd covid vaccine January of 2023. Started getting tiny muscle tremors all over my body. It got worse and I was told by 2 neurologists that it was in my head. Diagnosed with benign fasciculation disorder with muscle involvement and fibromyalgia. Xanax had helped but it’s crazy to think this just happened out of the blue!


So the more I read the more I feel I’m getting answers. Summer of 2022 I had Covid. Internal buzzing from months after that. Received 3rd covid vaccine January of 2023. Started getting tiny muscle tremors all over my body. It got worse and I was told by 2 neurologists that it was in my head. Diagnosed with benign fasciculation disorder with muscle involvement and fibromyalgia. Xanax had helped but it’s crazy to think this just happened out of the blue!

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May of 2022 I also started with tremors, muscle spasms and buzzing feel all over my body but concentrates mostly in my legs and thighs. I have been to my PCP and a Neurologist. Had a lot of blood work, MRI of the brain and was told it’s Restless leg? Nobody seems to know. I still think it’s connected to Covid and/or vaccines. I had Covid and 3 vaccines. The doctors say they won’t have any significant data on all side effects for Covid for 10yrs. It’s something you just live with and when it gets too bad I take a Xanax.

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