Covid and PMR surprise

Posted by shannonjp @shannonjp, Jul 22, 2023

So I’d been fighting what I thought was a nasty head cold when I noticed my sense of smell diminished. I tested myself for Covid and the result was positive. So here’s the surprise. Even as my Covid symptoms were starting to wane my PMR symptoms actually disappeared. The only thing I can think of is that my immune system finally had some real work to do and no time to turn on me.

Has anyone else had this experience?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Thank you and fingers crossed for both of us!


I have had a complicated thing happen with pmr that I am still trying to sort out. I’ve had pmr since December. On prednisone (down to 10mg) and methotrexate. I just had my third bout with Covid. My doctor put me on Paxlovid which was a miracle in shortening length of Covid and helping with symptoms. Also my pmr symptoms almost completely disappeared. No stiffness. No pain. Gone. Finished the Paxlovid a day ago and now am in the middle of a pmr flare..bad one. Having trouble walking. Major pain in shoulders. Not sure what is happening here. My doctor had hopped for a reset of the pmr which he has seen happen. He said the same thing as I’ve read here. My body's response was diverted to fight Covid and left the pmr alone for a time. But alas noooooo now that Covid is gone my body resumed its attach.


Have your PMR symptoms come back or did this just happen?


Have your PMR symptoms come back or did this just happen?

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So my symptoms did come back…but I’ve noticed some improvement overall even as my taper continues.


Thanks. Where are you on the taper? Did you take Paxlovid for the Covid?


Thanks. Where are you on the taper? Did you take Paxlovid for the Covid?

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Yes I did take Paxlovid. Not sure how much it helped because I was 4 days in when prescribed and already starting to feel better but doctor said I should take it so I did. As for tapering I’m currently at 3.5 mg and dropping 0.5 mg every 2 weeks.


Yes I did take Paxlovid. Not sure how much it helped because I was 4 days in when prescribed and already starting to feel better but doctor said I should take it so I did. As for tapering I’m currently at 3.5 mg and dropping 0.5 mg every 2 weeks.

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Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Were you very sick with Covid? It’s starting to make a comeback here in Seattle and I’m still hoping to avoid it. I have MS and Grave’s Disease and never know how things are going to shake out with them if something else gets added to the mix.


Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Were you very sick with Covid? It’s starting to make a comeback here in Seattle and I’m still hoping to avoid it. I have MS and Grave’s Disease and never know how things are going to shake out with them if something else gets added to the mix.

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I live in Enumclaw. This was my first bout of Covid. I had one “wish I was dead day” then started to get better even before starting the Paxlovid. Funny because 2 weeks before I got sick I messaged my GP asking if I should get a booster. Her reply was that I could wait until fall. Oh well.

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