Could I have a sinus infection if all of my sinuses are irritated.

Posted by Lynn Brooks @lbroomayo1, Dec 14, 2023

I have had serious eye infections with my multi-focus contacts. I no longer wear them. But since those infections I have eye pain, headaches, sore throats, and ear infections. Could this be a bacterial infection? I did have discharge on my contacts which clouded the lens.

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@lbroomayo1 Hmm, I think this is a good question for your pcp or an ENT. Without an examination and possibly culturing a nasal swab there would be no way to know.
Have you seen someone about this yet?


@lbroomayo1 Hmm, I think this is a good question for your pcp or an ENT. Without an examination and possibly culturing a nasal swab there would be no way to know.
Have you seen someone about this yet?

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No. My annual Mayo Clinic visit is in March. I plan to use the Mayo Eye clinic about eye muscle pain and headaches. I’m hoping that they will approve me for lasik surgery. My PCP visit is in GA is scheduled for February. It could be allergies, but I don’t usually have allergy symptoms in winter. It could be Botox shots around my eyes. I’ve started suffering from ear aches since using air pods. Now I’m treating my symptoms with homeopathy, pure aloe Vera jel, antibacterial ointments, and Tylenol.


Lynn, I would ask an ENT doctor to culture my nose to see what type of bacteria could be growing in your sinuses. Sinus problems definitely affect your eyes and vice versa. Praying much.....


Lynn, I would ask an ENT doctor to culture my nose to see what type of bacteria could be growing in your sinuses. Sinus problems definitely affect your eyes and vice versa. Praying much.....

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Will do. May visit a close Urgent care for a scan.


Hi all,
Sinus infections are usually diagnosed by symptoms not tests. I averaged two to four a year before IVig. I have been dealing with year long sinus infection, along with eye infections, skin issues, new daily headaches and now too many doctors later -I need a root canal. This was found by an ENT with a CT scan ordered by a neurologist, then a dentist etc... so, it could also be your teeth. Although sinuses are are strong first. A netty pot could be suggested (yuck), changing your diet to reduce inflammation, and ask for longer on the antibiotics if you get them, as the "bugs" have moved in and are hiding.
I hope you feel better soon!


Thanks for your supportive comments. Now that you mention it, I have had extensive dental in the last three years. I had two root canals and two extractions. I had two years of heavy metal orthodontics with the sentence of lifetime metal retainers to maintain my new bite. I had two pins drilled into my jaw bone for the new crowns yet to be implanted. My teeth are still being shifted for my dream smile. My whole jawline has been reconfigured. All of this could be factors. Best, Lynn.


I have been through similar. Talk to to the ENT, explain the dental/jaw work with dates, and also write down all treatments and tests for your current condition.
An event led to your current condition which only may be seen with a sinus CT. The test engineer in me thinks you should make an excel chart (or something like it) with the dates lining up so you can see any relation between the two. See if there is cause and effect. Just a thought. For example my TGN is directly tied to getting a crown.


sounds like maybe a sinus infection, you might need antibiotics


Sounds like a serious sinus infection. You need some good strong antibiotics to take for a couple weeks.

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