Cortisol deficiency, but with weight gain

Posted by m @mh10, Jul 10, 2023

Has anybody experienced unexplained weight gain when your cortisol levels are low? I recently had a two day stem test, which resulted with low cortisol levels that my adrenal glands are not producing correctly.. but I have unexplained weight gain. Usually when your cortisol levels are low, you lose weight.
I went back to all my test results from 2016 when I started to gain weight and feel drained and just sick. They gave me so many tests, and they claimed everything was normal. I did not have MyChart at the time, so I never could see the test results until recently when I scrolled all the way back to that time and seen my cortisol levels were extremely low. I don’t understand why nothing was ever done.

Last year, I started getting the same exhaustion and fatigue and weight gain for no reason and then I got Covid at the beginning of this year and then everything became severe. 24/7. That’s when I went back to the endocrinologist and thought it was my thyroid because I do have Graves’ disease, which is supposed to be in remission right now, but they said everything looked good in the normal levels, except my cortisol levels were low for that time of day and that’s when I took the stem test.
When I ask why I’m gaining weight, nobody knows. They want me to take steroids for the low cortisol levels, but I know I’m going to blow up once I start taking them.
I am also having muscle and joint pain and weakness in my whole body which I think might be related, but I don’t know… I just know I’m getting very frustrated.
Does anybody know or have any autoimmune disease that causes low cortisol levels, but unexplained weight gain instead of weight loss with fatigue and muscle and joint pain?
I’m getting tired of going from doctor to doctor when all they do is take blood tests and come into the room for less than five minutes to say blood tests are fine, nothings wrong. Ughhhhh I need answers!!!

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Hello @mh10
I read your posts about low cortisol and weight gain. I’ve been struggling with some health problems and most recently it finally came to a head.
My cortisol was low pluse aldosterone, testosterone, FSH/LH.
I’m a nurse and I knew enough to know it was endocrine related but I can’t find an Endocrinologist that will help me.
Can you share the contact info for the provider that diagnosed your pituitary problem?
I believe my problem is with my pituitary as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I have a cyst on my pituitary which Dr look at once a year to see if pushing on it.
Chron's esophagus and small intestines. Lupus Anticoagulation, Lupus x3
Micro Biome is out which is the immune system. Just drinking nourishment or puree.
Did not lose a pound?
Nice to hear I am not alone.


I have a cyst on my pituitary which Dr look at once a year to see if pushing on it.
Chron's esophagus and small intestines. Lupus Anticoagulation, Lupus x3
Micro Biome is out which is the immune system. Just drinking nourishment or puree.
Did not lose a pound?
Nice to hear I am not alone.

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@hammock117. How do you handle all these autoimmune diseases? And, you say that you haven’t lost any weight! What medications are you on to manage these problems? What good self-management tips do you have for all of us?

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