Continuing “Un-explained Event” – Urethra Pain

Posted by lostnthought @lostnthought, Dec 26, 2023

Hi All
I am a 44-year-old male that has been experiencing an abnormal unexplained urethra pain. I have been seeing a Urologist since it has started, but have begun to reach a point of “it must be all in my head” explanations.
This is not the first time that I have felt a pain in this area. A year ago while finishing using the bathroom, I began to pull up my pants, I had a sharp pain on the tip of my penis when I pulled up my underwear. From that point it was painful to even wear underwear and so I decided to see a Urologist. The doctor did a few tests and the only thing that he could come up with was that I had a little fat in my liver. A few weeks had past and I was back to normal. A year later and I am now experiencing something similar in the same region.
The pain that I feel now started on its own out of nowhere has been the longest ongoing pain that I have ever had in my life with no explanation. It has got to the point that I pray for something treatable to be found, just so that I can have some relief. It is affecting my home life as well as my work. I do not want to exercise because of the pain of tip moving against my underwear. It is going on almost 2 months now. There have been no traumatic injuries or events that I can remember that I could say could be the cause, but one. About 10 years ago I was exercising with a friend and ended up falling backwards and landed on my butt when my foot got stuck on the equipment. I have had no prior issues since then and only one hospitalization which was covid related – dual pneumonia.
The symptoms started after I was doing more dribbling after peeing. When the pain started it seem to be centralized at the tip and shaft of the penis, possibly testicle. I can push down on the area and not feel any physical pain so it is hard to pinpoint. I have this urgency to pee, a no relief feeling after peeing, tip is sensitive, there is this feeling that I have to clench to hold back from peeing at times. One of the first things that was prescribed to me was an antibiotic, Ciprofloxacin – 500MG. I was still having the same issues past a week so the doctor decided to put me on a stronger dose of Doxycycline Monohydrate – 100MG. I took till the prescription ended. I am also taking Myrbetriq for my overactive bladder. I have this uncomfortable feeling after urinating. It seems like a roller coaster. There are days that it feels a little better, but other days it feels like it is day one. This makes me feel like I am trying to heal, but unable to for whatever reason and thus why the pain is up and down.
Urologist has run multiple tests. Verified that my bladder is in fact emptying out. Checked my prostate, performed a cystoscopy and found no scarring or other issues with urinary tract. Performed a urinalysis at every visit. At this point he advises that I should consider physical therapy, pelvic floor exercises. I am considering getting a second opinion. This issue has been ongoing and I am starting to lose hope. I appreciate any information you can suggest, I know that I can not be the only one experiencing this.

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I have always feared being that anomaly suffering from something, where tests and scans brought no conclusive results yet the pain was persistent. Medicine has come a long way, but seems very barberic in a trial and error sense. Still a lot of things about the body that are un-known. If you are having pain that cannot be determined by the usual methods, you become atypical.
I did not have a good experience with my cystoscopy. I was already fearful to have the procedure performed with the pain I was already experiencing. I opted to include nitrous oxide so there would be no pain. I am not sure if the nurse was new or not, but she turned on the machine, gave no instructions, and then stood there looking at her phone. She then asked if I was ready, after a few minutes, I explained that I was waiting on you to instruct me. I began to take the nitrous, but I am not sure how long I was under. It seemed as though the doctor walked in shortly after, but I am not sure if it was the effects of the gas that made the time go buy. It was really painful for me, the doctor said when he reached the pelvic muscle, it was extremely tight, which would make sense because of the normal pain, but it possibly could be because I was not given enough nitrous. I will definitely be looking for a second opinion. I am thinking of one doctor in the Medical Center. I really appreciate the feedback. I hope to update on my progress and any new treatments that I find.

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Thanks, and I too had one awful experience with my first cystoscopy, very painful and just some lidocaine.
The second one was also painful but possibly due to a better skilled urologist not quite as bad. I had significantly different reports from each although a year passed between the two procedures. I’m still in search of either an accurate answer and cure or healing. Thanks again for sharing your experience.


I was having all kinds of pain after radiation for my prostate cancer and 3 weeks of pain and never feeling like my bladder was empty. I was up every hour at night and the doctor put me on flowmax it was like a miracle over night. No pain and finally some sleep. Praying you get some relief.


Do some experiments, find out the weather temperature relationship with the pain. Apply hot water and and hot air while pain. Then check for blood clots by ultrasound and take some blood thinner medicines.
Chek this post below link, add https and www before as this site won't allow links in comments. Inform us about your experience and when you find the cure. It will help others. Thanks for your post. Below is the link.

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