Constant excruciating leg cramps

Posted by lfisher66 @lfisher66, Jul 16, 2022

I was “diagnosed” with Fibro in 2009. I had a false pos for Lupus and so this is what they decided I have.

My symptoms increased and decreased in severity for years. About 11 years ago I started getting leg cramps in my sleep. Sure, everyone gets them, but mine would be calf and shin simultaneously. I couldn’t stretch one or the other, because the opposite would spasm more and cause terrible pain. I’d have it for a couple weeks and then it’d disappear.

I went through times were I was very active, in the gym all the time, hiking, etc. but then I’d get, say, tendinitis somewhere and have to lay off.

In august 2021 I fell. I’d been exercising and walking—up to 4 miles a day— for a couple months. I didn’t fall because of pain or disability, I just tripped in a normal way. But I landed in my face requiring stitches in three places, and got whiplash.

Since then, I’ve been downhill. But the cramps! I started getting them in both legs at night. Both shins, both calves, the feet. It decreases in intensity, but hasn’t gone away. Then it increases again. It used to stop when I was up and around, but now both legs are pretty much in spasm all day. It spread to my hamstrings (never as bad), and now I have it in my forearms.

The rheumatologist found “nothing wrong”. The neurologist found “nothing wrong”. He put me on gabapentin, but anything more than 300mg once a day turns me into an a$$h*le. And doesn’t help.

The doctors literally wipe their hands and say, “that’s just your Fibro.”

Is it? I’ve never read about that with Fibro. 🙁

56 yo. Used to bodybuild. Played women’s pro football 20 years ago. Used to cycle, swim, etc.

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Do you exercise and/or stretch your muscles before going to bed? I had beginnings of RLS but learned if I split my HEP between morning and night I sleep much better and have no more leg issues. I presume your doctor has tested your chemistry studies to see if you’re deficient? My wife drinks Smart Water (I have no shares in Smart Water) during the day and her leg cramps ceased. Good luck.


I'm so sorry that you are suffering with this. You may be low on magnesium and potassium. If you are taking a good dose of vitamin D, & a quality multi vitamin. A routine of leg stretching can help.


Do you exercise and/or stretch your muscles before going to bed? I had beginnings of RLS but learned if I split my HEP between morning and night I sleep much better and have no more leg issues. I presume your doctor has tested your chemistry studies to see if you’re deficient? My wife drinks Smart Water (I have no shares in Smart Water) during the day and her leg cramps ceased. Good luck.

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Why specifically Smart Water? What special qualities does it have, or can any bottled water do?
I've had cramps both day and night, for years, in feet all the way up to the thighs, and my then-primary physician (note that I use "then" b/c I dropped her altogether) insisted that my problems were rooted in not being sufficiently, m'am, that was not the cause! She also strongly advised my drinking seltzer/quinine water (which I did not do, thank God, b/c it is not recommended by respected sites/organizations). Then I developed other symptoms which my then-neurologist (note again the word "then") ran tests and all came back negative. And did nothing further, other than prescribe gabapentin which totally zombied me into a horrid stupor, so I stopped after the initial dose. NO ONE takes me seriously, so I continue to endure nights when cramping body parts jerk me awake as the excruciating cramps travel up the leg(s) and into the thigh(s). If I can get myself out of bed and stand on the leg(s), I can sometimes PUSH into the pain and reduce it to a degree. Otherwise, my poor husband cannot help me at all. Yes, I cry, and horrid moans. When the episode is over, he helps me carefully back into bed, both of us trying to avoid the initiation of yet another evil cramp episode. I am exhausted after all of that, especially when it happens more than
I'm 74 now, and episodes have lessened in occurrence and intensity. But no one has helped at all. Yeah, it is just part of how my life has been defined by various sources of pain.


I do have Fibro and I have read that each of us experiences different pain. Fibro patients have pain in various body parts. I did suffer bad cramps in the night in my legs. Terrible cramps. I started a magnesium product before bed, called Natural Vitality Calm, and it helped me tremendously. It is a powder that I mix into water. I am also on the usual meds like Cymbalta and Lyrica. I would not still be living, without them. I had to research how to help myself in a Proactive way, and so I found various vitamins that have helped me. A potassium deficiency can cause bad cramps and RLS. Potassium in in a few fruits like bananas. I hope you find answers!


Why specifically Smart Water? What special qualities does it have, or can any bottled water do?
I've had cramps both day and night, for years, in feet all the way up to the thighs, and my then-primary physician (note that I use "then" b/c I dropped her altogether) insisted that my problems were rooted in not being sufficiently, m'am, that was not the cause! She also strongly advised my drinking seltzer/quinine water (which I did not do, thank God, b/c it is not recommended by respected sites/organizations). Then I developed other symptoms which my then-neurologist (note again the word "then") ran tests and all came back negative. And did nothing further, other than prescribe gabapentin which totally zombied me into a horrid stupor, so I stopped after the initial dose. NO ONE takes me seriously, so I continue to endure nights when cramping body parts jerk me awake as the excruciating cramps travel up the leg(s) and into the thigh(s). If I can get myself out of bed and stand on the leg(s), I can sometimes PUSH into the pain and reduce it to a degree. Otherwise, my poor husband cannot help me at all. Yes, I cry, and horrid moans. When the episode is over, he helps me carefully back into bed, both of us trying to avoid the initiation of yet another evil cramp episode. I am exhausted after all of that, especially when it happens more than
I'm 74 now, and episodes have lessened in occurrence and intensity. But no one has helped at all. Yeah, it is just part of how my life has been defined by various sources of pain.

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Please read my post here about the magnesium product that helped my cramps. Also Smart water probably has vitamins and electrolytes that do help some people. Gatoraide also has electrolytes. And you might benefit from potassium.


I found a great cheap treatment for my terrible pain in my legs. I use a large rolling pin to roll over and over the areas, until they ease up. I got the idea when I read about "foam rollers" to treat muscle pain. I can use easy or harder pressure, depending on what that tight area needs at that time. Also you can get a 4 inch foam ball specifically for tight areas. To understand this, google "MFR muscle treatment"


Why specifically Smart Water? What special qualities does it have, or can any bottled water do?
I've had cramps both day and night, for years, in feet all the way up to the thighs, and my then-primary physician (note that I use "then" b/c I dropped her altogether) insisted that my problems were rooted in not being sufficiently, m'am, that was not the cause! She also strongly advised my drinking seltzer/quinine water (which I did not do, thank God, b/c it is not recommended by respected sites/organizations). Then I developed other symptoms which my then-neurologist (note again the word "then") ran tests and all came back negative. And did nothing further, other than prescribe gabapentin which totally zombied me into a horrid stupor, so I stopped after the initial dose. NO ONE takes me seriously, so I continue to endure nights when cramping body parts jerk me awake as the excruciating cramps travel up the leg(s) and into the thigh(s). If I can get myself out of bed and stand on the leg(s), I can sometimes PUSH into the pain and reduce it to a degree. Otherwise, my poor husband cannot help me at all. Yes, I cry, and horrid moans. When the episode is over, he helps me carefully back into bed, both of us trying to avoid the initiation of yet another evil cramp episode. I am exhausted after all of that, especially when it happens more than
I'm 74 now, and episodes have lessened in occurrence and intensity. But no one has helped at all. Yeah, it is just part of how my life has been defined by various sources of pain.

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Smart Water contains electrolytes that your body needs to function which includes your muscles. I ask once again do you exercise and do you stretch before bedtime? Stretching and splitting my home exercise program in half doing part upon waking and part before bed. I also walk 2 miles daily and I know exercise is what helps with my pain. Btw I’m 71.


Smart Water contains electrolytes that your body needs to function which includes your muscles. I ask once again do you exercise and do you stretch before bedtime? Stretching and splitting my home exercise program in half doing part upon waking and part before bed. I also walk 2 miles daily and I know exercise is what helps with my pain. Btw I’m 71.

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You are mistakenly addressing me instead of the person who originally posted about the leg cramps (ifisher66). I simply wanted to know what was so special about Smart Water.


You are mistakenly addressing me instead of the person who originally posted about the leg cramps (ifisher66). I simply wanted to know what was so special about Smart Water.

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Same problems with the cramps - other suggestions:
be sure to stay well hydrated (even in the middle of the night if the cramps strike), also OTC Hyland anti leg cramp meds and I take prescription muscle cramp relievers - omeprazole in my instance (PRN)

Lastly, I keep an electric massager plugged on my bed (~$30-40 at Walmart) to turn on and use if needed. I kind of push the vibrating ends into the painful muscles (usually calves or thighs), sometimes really almost gouging with the more pointed ends - there are choices. That gets to the spasms in the leg muscles which can get to feeling like stone.

I also stretch my calf muscle. I lean against my bed with my feet pressed against the floor , sometimes knead the calves with my own fingers.

Good luck to you all. I know how painful it can be.


You are mistakenly addressing me instead of the person who originally posted about the leg cramps (ifisher66). I simply wanted to know what was so special about Smart Water.

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There are other products on the market and available at your grocery stores. You can google and compare SW to other electrolyte products. If you are known to have electrolyte balancing problems being followed by a medical provider check with them first, if you haven’t already done so.

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