Consequences of missed dose of Prenisolone

Posted by macferse @macferse, Aug 2, 2022

I'm currently suffering from Covid 19 and one of the symptoms has been nausea and vomiting. My GP has prescribed an anti nausea med, but not before I had spent a day unable to keep down my daily dose of prednisolone. That was 3 days ago but I am now experiencing PMR like pains in my shoulders and neck. I can't tell if they are Covid related or if rebound PMR pain can result for a way day break in medication. I'll be grateful for any insights. Thanks.

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@macferse That is a good question. My non medical guess is a lot of it probably depends on where you are with your PMR tapering. The higher your current dose, my vote would be it's because not having the prednisolone. Have you not been able to take your prednisolone for the past 3 days? What did your GP or rheumatologist say?

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